04 December 2023

New “green” facilities for Permare in Sanremo

04 December 2023

The new facility for the Permare shipyard is only a short distance from Portosole, in a historical site in Sanremo

The new facility for the Permare shipyard is only a short distance from Portosole, in a historical site in Sanremo

3 minutes of reading

Cantiere Permare has a new home. The new sales office of this Ligurian group will be located in a building that is well known to local residents in Sanremo, because of its origins. Indeed, the building is what gave the surrounding area its name, Antenna, because of the antenna used for radio transmissions and to intercept enemy military transmissions as they crossed the sea.

The building belonged to the EIAR radio station, later known as RAI, and was only used as a warehouse until it was sold. The building was built at the end of the 1920s with large windows inspired by the Foro Italico and other buildings of the period. Restoration, with the involvement of many local businesses, was done conservatively, maintaining many of the existing spaces and using original materials. It has a huge meeting room, with vertical windows overlooking the refitting yard, Sanremo Ship, and is a short distance from Portosole; it is also used as a classroom for courses and public events.


We curated every detail for energy efficiency – explains Barbara Amerio, CEO for Permare Group – and we used solar panels connected to a local battery used for our hi-tech fire suppression system. We are awaiting the permits for the use of a small wind turbine which will ensure we can become fully self sufficient is any season, allowing us to manage the surplus by reselling it to the network. If authorised, the turbine will be located where the antenna used to be. Rooms use advanced domotics, and for the exterior, we have restored an important part of the surface with green spaces, choosing native plants that can help capture carbon dioxide. Another solution devised by the Ligurian shipyard to help save water is the installation of a device which can make safe drinking water directly from the air.


We would like to take advantage of this moment – notes Barbara Amerio – to thank all the tradespeople involved in the restoration of the building, we have created a short chain that allowed us to work with local businesses. When looking through the archives of the Moreschi family, we found photos of the building and of the installation of the antenna; these have now become a photo gallery inside the building.

This investment in real estate is in line with the recent purchase of land along the Navicelli canal in Pisa, which will become the new manufacturing facility for Amer Yachts, a brand belonging to Permare Group, using high profile local resources that will integrate with the young team dedicated to manufacturing in composite and steel. Eight yachts are currently in production and one being design with delivery planned for the end of 2026, in partnership with Versilmarina in Viareggio, Cnc Costruzioni Navali and Seven Stars in Tombolo.



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