03 March 2023

Permare launches a campaign to reduce speeds along the coast

03 March 2023
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Barbara Amerio from Permare Group talks to Daily Nautica: “We cannot walk alone but need to do it together: the more we are, the more we share solutions for the environment, and the more effective they will be”

Permare launches a campaign to reduce speeds along the coast

Barbara Amerio from Permare Group talks to Daily Nautica: “We cannot walk alone but need to do it together: the more we are, the more we share solutions for the environment, and the more effective they will be”

2 minutes of reading

Do not go over 15 knots in the first 3 miles from the coast, so as to create a protected area along the Italian coast for sailboats, canoes, small boats, but also where mid-sized and large boats can work together in respecting the marine environment and its inhabitants. This is a proposal put forward by Cantiere Nautico Permare, who launched this information campaign at the beginning of the year, open for support and sharing by all businesses that are interested, to help convince pleasure boaters to reduce their speed along the coast.


The idea behind the campaign – explains Barbara Amerio from Permare Group, owner of the Amer Yachts brand – comes from a reflection. “Sustainability is a very complex subject that can be put into practice only through single actions that then, all together work sustainably.”

So we thought about something simple and practical – notes Amerio – that could be adopted by a largenumber of pleasure boaters: we proposed sailing at a moderate speed in the first 3 miles off the coast, so as

 to reduce emissions, including noise pollution. An idea that also helps us look toward the future, where there will be boating of all kinds, from hybrid to electric, with vessels that might be a bit slower.”

Moderate speeds to all live in harmony. “Outside of the 3 mile range – adds the CEO of Permare Group – higher speeds can be used for travel. We have found a number of people have appreciated and shared the initiative, which is simple advice for pleasure boaters, but has an effect on everyone.


The key moment for the initiative will take place during the Genoa Boat Show, where all those supporting the campaign, will be involved in a final event. Networking is important, especially when talking about environmental sustainability. For this reason, the Permare shipyard is inviting other businesses to support this initiative. Adding a logo to the final event is free.

This is one way to enjoy sustainable boating, respecting others, marine life, the marine habitat and significantly reducing the chance of accidents. “We cannot walk alone – concludes Barbara Amerio – but need to do it together: the more we are, the more we share solutions for the environment, and the more effective they will be.”  


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