06 October 2023

Summer Extension: persistent high Pressure brings an unusually warm October to the Mediterranean

06 October 2023
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The lack of significant disturbances has kept the seas relatively calm, fostering greater water clarity and an extended swimming season

The lack of significant disturbances has kept the seas relatively calm, fostering greater water clarity and an extended swimming season

2 minutes of reading

Continued stable conditions over the Mediterranean. The high pressure holds firm, and there’s a risk that October could bear more of a summery character than an autumnal one. The anticyclonic ridge with air of North African origin is gifting sunny days and temperatures above the seasonal average with peaks exceeding 30°C (86°F) in many parts of Italy. This weather scenario might persist until mid-month, if not longer, creating an unusually warm autumn.

The persistent anticyclonic conditions are significantly affecting the sea and the coasts of the Mediterranean. The lack of significant disturbances has kept the seas relatively calm, fostering greater water clarity and an extended swimming season. The current atmospheric dynamics present an opportunity to explore the interactions between the atmospheric climate and the Mediterranean Sea. For instance, the ongoing high pressure could be related to larger-scale phenomena, such as atmospheric oscillations or oceanic-atmospheric interactions.

To better understand these phenomena, it’s essential to continue monitoring and analyzing meteorological trends. This will help experts to formulate more accurate forecasts and better understand the long-term dynamics characterizing the climate and the sea of the Mediterranean.


Federico Brescia & Alberto Cantone

Video: Navimeteo Weather Panel – Weather in the Mediterranean from 6th to 10th October 2023

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