16 July 2023

SWANs sailing in the wind

16 July 2023
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Navimeteo provided support to the "S&S Swan Rendez-Vous" sailing event organized on the Island of Elba

Navimeteo provided support to the "S&S Swan Rendez-Vous" sailing event organized on the Island of Elba

3 minutes of reading

Navimeteo provided support to the “S&S Swan Rendez-Vous” sailing event organized from 28 June to 02 July on the Island of Elba in the Port of Marciana Marina. The weather situation in the Elba area was initially characterized by the rapid passage of a line of storm instability which was monitored in “real time” by Navimeteo forecasters through radar and satellite images, observations and above all through the modern lightning platform detection developed by Vaisala, one of the world’s leading companies for meteorological and environmental instrumentation and solutions.

The event was attended by 44 splendid Swans with crews from various countries and representing Italy, France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Finland, Switzerland, England, Australia, New Zealand, United States and Brazil. The boats, built by the prestigious Nautor Swan shipyard and designed by the Sparkman & Stephens design studio, raced in light winds on the first day while the second race was canceled due to storm warnings associated with the instability line transit.

Navimeteo forecast example based on modeling and validation

On the third day, after the passage of the storm line during the night, the beautiful regatta was characterized by fresh winds from WNW force 5 Beaufort and rough seas. Navimeteo provided real-time assistance and high resolution local multimodel weather forecasts for the Organizing Committee. The regattas and the event were dedicated to the memory of Lars Strom, who passed away last year, and known as “The Professor” for his extraordinary nautical experience and for a working career in the prestigious Finnish shipyard Nautor.

Swan is an extraordinary migratory bird which inspired the name of these boats which have always been recognized for their nautical characteristics and robustness which make them suitable for offshore navigation and long ocean crossings. Just recently, an old Swan 65, the “Peak“, skippered by Pieter Houting, after crossing the Atlantic from West to East, from the Caribbean to the Azores Islands, is sailing to Gibraltar to cross the Mediterranean and finally reach Tuscany. Sailing is still today the most fascinating, natural and environmentally friendly way to travel over the great marine horizons. Sailing is also a way of life for many.


Gianfranco Meggiorin



1. Example of the storm monitoring system

2. The close-hauled Swan Teragram (credit James Robinson Taylor)

3. The Swan Four Winds fast with fresh wind (credit James Robinson Taylor)

4. The Swan Vanessa (credit James Robinson Taylor)

5. The Swan Joconde (credit James Robinson Taylor)

6. The Swan White Shadow (credit James Robinson Taylor)

7-8. The port of Marciana Marina (credit James Robinson Taylor)

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