11 March 2025

An important delegation of international buyers will also be present at Seatec & Compotec Marine

11 March 2025
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A partnership between ICE-Agenzia and CarraraFiere brings important foreign buyers in the boating and composite material sectors to Seatec & Compotec Marine 2025

An important delegation of international buyers will also be present at Seatec & Compotec Marine

A partnership between ICE-Agenzia and CarraraFiere brings important foreign buyers in the boating and composite material sectors to Seatec & Compotec Marine 2025

1 minutes of reading

The 22nd iteration of Seatec & Compotec Marine is upon us. This professional event, which will take place on 13 and 14 March at Marina di Carrara, is for all players in the marine industry who work in components, technology and nautical design. Among these, is also an important delegation of international buyers, closely tied to the boating and composite materials industries.

The long-standing and consolidated partnership between ICE-Agenzia, Istituto per Commercio, with CarraraFiere, the organisers behind Seatec, has led to an in-coming flow of operators from a number of foreign markets, which may prove to be interesting prospects in terms of potential demand for Italian technology.


A total of 35 delegates are expected to attend Seatec & Compotec Marine, coming from 14 different countries (Argentina, Brazil, China, Croatia, France, Germany, Poland, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, USA, Vietnam), all working in the construction of pleasure yachts, as well as the manufacture and distribution of composite parts. The delegations will have the opportunity to further expand their network of contacts through B2B meetings, organised during the event, in which exhibitors from top businesses in the boating industry and composites will also be participating.

By Valerio Caccavale


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