02 March 2024

Countdown for the 14th edition of YARE: over 100 superyacht captains expected

02 March 2024
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The 14th edition of YARE, running from 13 to 15 March in Tuscany, includes intensive business and networking for the superyacht industry

Countdown for the 14th edition of YARE: over 100 superyacht captains expected

The 14th edition of YARE, running from 13 to 15 March in Tuscany, includes intensive business and networking for the superyacht industry

3 minutes of reading

There are only a few days to go before YARE opens, an event that, with its network of professionals, brings together skills, innovation and excellence in the boating industry. From 13 to 15 March, the area covering Carrara to Livorno, Viareggio and Versilia, will be the stage for this extraordinary event,which is full of new opportunities for industry professionals.

Among the businesses participating are, Adriatic 42LusbenOvermarine GroupSanlorenzoPalumbo SuperyachtFeadshipCantiere RossiniNCA RefitLurssenOceancoRINABoero, Marina Port Vell and many other internationally known businesses working in refitting & aftersales. Stars of the event will be the over 100 international captains, with an important delegation arriving from Greece and Turkey, working on sailing and motoryachts from 24 to 90 metres, with most of the representatives working on vessels between 40 and 70 metres. The captains will be involved in the District Tour, which includes three stops along the Tuscan coast and, as always face to face meetings with the businesses during the “B2C Meet the Captains” event which last year, reached over 1600 meetings.


A new and particularly relevant change to this year’s iteration is the new MARE format, which stands for Mediterranean Alliance of Refit Excellence, a discussion between experts in infrastructure, tourist marinas and regions working in the yachting industry throughout the eastern and western parts of the Mediterranean. The format will concentrate in particular on the changes in the market and the impact they have on new sailing areas, in a communal analysis and strategy to pursue in the future.

This initiative follows the recent agreement and strategic union of the NAVIGO business cluster, a network of nautical businesses based in Tuscany, the French business cluster, Riviera Yachting Network, and the Spanish cluster, Balearic Marine Cluster, who signed an agreement for international partnership on topics such as training, collective promotion of the West Med, working together on provisions and the development of the network.


YARE is not just a special meeting of industry operators, but it also a place for discussion and sharing. Indeed, this year, the event will see the presentation of the book, “Nautica. We are the Story”, with 40 interviews with key industry players, published by NAVIGO in partnership with Fondazione ISYL and tHE support of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca. In addition, YARE will give space to innovative and digital projects like DR&AM and Captayn, and the CIELO project focussing on sustainability and extending ESG criteria to businesses in the district, financed by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca and realised by Lucense.



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