04 September 2024

Countdown for the Genova Boat Show: the 64th iteration returns to the Palasport

04 September 2024
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The Genova Boat Show 2024 has been presented, with a growing market: over a thousand brands and vessels on display, with 100 new products and over 30 premieres. Online ticket sales have grown by 16%

Countdown for the Genova Boat Show: the 64th iteration returns to the Palasport

The Genova Boat Show 2024 has been presented, with a growing market: over a thousand brands and vessels on display, with 100 new products and over 30 premieres. Online ticket sales have grown by 16%

4 minutes of reading

A snapshot of a growing industry is what has come out of the presentation of the 64th International Boat Show of Genova, which will take place from 19 to 24 September.

After an introduction by the president of Confindustria Nautica, Saverio Cecchi, who announced the completion of the Implementation Rules for the Nautical Code and the implementation of the latest decree that makes the new simplified professional title for the charter of pleasure boats actionable, the president of I Saloni Nautici, Andrea Razeto, took the stand and presented the Show, which will be intense under all aspects.


The 64th iteration of the Genova International Boat Show – said Razeto – with be a moment of consolidation and affirmation. The international macro-economy, with its political and military tensions and the announced cuts to interest rates, seems to not be affecting the positive trend that the sector has been undergoing the past couple of years. Even now that the post-Covid traction has simmered down, growth is still in the double digits, leading us to believe that the wave of new pleasure boaters was not – for the most part – transitory or short-lived. The pool of people who have started taking up this activity, has undoubtedly expanded, the average boater age has dropped, and the spending habits of a part of these new clients has been consistent.


This year the show will return to its iconic origins, the Palasport, which has been completely restyled by famous architect, Renzo Piano. Having surpassed the objective of a thousand exhibitors for a while now (this year there are 1052), and of vessels on display (1030), up until now, the Show chose a smaller size in order to not interfere with works for the Waterfront di Levante, and in order to guarantee that visitors could access everything together.


The total amount of exhibition space will be 220 thousand square metres over land and water, 5000 more than in 2023 with 85% of the spaces outdoors. Growing is also the number of foreign exhibitors, who in the production segment have increased by 23 units, to which are also added 100 new products and 30 premieres. Even the sale on online tickets showed a 16% increase compared to the same date in 2023.

The guiding light of each itinerary visitors chose based on their interests, will be innovation, the challenge in finding the materials and propulsion that will increasingly protect the environment, an not just the marine environment. From vessels to engines, and numerous accessories, everything will be highlighting this great challenge taken on by the entire industry.

The Boat Show – notes Marina Stella, general manager for Confindustria Nautica – will include a full calendar of conferences and meeting to discuss in-depth, the main subjects for the industry with national and international stakeholders and experts. The prestige of the Boat Show’s conference programme, FORUM24 is highlighted by the sponsorship of the European Commission, in confirmation of the completeness and authority of the work Confindustria Nautica is doing at a European level.


On Thursday 19 September, the 64th edition of the Genova Boat Show will kick off with the conference, “Politiche del Mare New plans for Italy’s competitiveness, and the prospects of the boating industry”, a fundamental meeting to lay out the industry’s future strategy. At the moment, participation has been confirmed by the Vice-president and minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Matteo Salvini, of the minister for Business and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, and the minister for Maritime Policy, Nello Musumeci, who showcase the value of the Boat Show as a point of reference for discussing and directing industrial policy to support the competitiveness of the boating sector, and the role of Confindustria Nautica as the spokesperson to help define the country’s industrial policy.


This year the Genova Boat Show is also promoting culture and journalism with the BITTA64 project, a book presentation program that will bring to Genova the likes of Giovanni Grasso, journalist and writer as well as Communication Councillor for the President of the Republic, with “L’Amore non lo vede nessuno”, and Antonio Caprarica, Italian journalist, writer and essayist presenting his book “La fine dell’Inghilterra. Un Paese smarrito, un trono vacillante”.


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