17 April 2024

D-Marin’s Punta Faro Resort will be hosting an exclusive event centred around innovation and luxury

17 April 2024
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The new Pirelli 42 dinghy and 8 new vessels by the Dufour and Fountaine Pajot brands will be presented at the Punta Faro Resort

D-Marin’s Punta Faro Resort will be hosting an exclusive event centred around innovation and luxury

The new Pirelli 42 dinghy and 8 new vessels by the Dufour and Fountaine Pajot brands will be presented at the Punta Faro Resort

2 minutes of reading

On Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 April, in Lignano-Sabbiadoro, at D-Marin’s  Punta Faro Resort, an exclusive and spectacular event will take place, opening the boating season.

In support of this weekend centred around innovation and luxury, are some of the most well-known names in the industry: Italian Yacht Store, Pirelli, Ferretti, Eurosail Yacht and naturally D-Marin Punta Faro, which will also host the reception organised for the inauguration of the new Pirelli 42 dinghy.

The devil of the seas”, as it was defined by the director of The International Yachting Media, Luca d’Ambrosio, represents a quantum shift in the development of the Maxi Rib Pirelli, and will be presented by Francesco Storti, representative of the Italian Yacht Store, authorised dealer for SACS and Pirelli, and exclusive dealer for the Ferretti Group (Ferretti, Pershing, Itama and Custom Line).

During the event, another 8 vessels will also be presented, by the brands Dufour (sail boats) and Fountaine Pajot (sailing and motor catamarans), presented by Luca Venica, owner of Eurosail Yacht, and Centro Porsche Udine, who will test drive in  the new Taycan, Panamera and GT2RS cars around the marina’s exclusive circuit.

When genius meets ambition, like in the case of the organisers of this unmissable event, the result will be something to remember.


Saturday 20 April


Opening and access to vessels

Presentation of the Porsche taycan and Porsche Panamera

Catering | Light Breakfast



Catering | Finger Food



Catering | Light Lunch


Dj Set


Catering | Finger Food

Champagne tasting

Catering | Light Dinner

Sunday 21 April


Opening and access to vessels

Presentation of the Porsche Taycan and Porsche Panamera

Catering | Light Breakfast



Catering | Light Lunch


End of event


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