22 November 2024

DN is media sponsor for the first international conference for women in boating

22 November 2024
Article reserved for DN Plus members

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Hosted by Superyacht Show Türkiye, this singular event celebrates the contribution on leading women in the boating industry

DN is media sponsor for the first international conference for women in boating

Hosted by Superyacht Show Türkiye, this singular event celebrates the contribution on leading women in the boating industry

2 minutes of reading

Daily Nautica has always championed the growing presence of women in the yachting industry, as was the case two years ago when we interviewed the first female captain of a superyacht in the world. It was therefore only natural that we become the media sponsor for the first International Conference for Women in Boating, which will take place Saturday 23 November at Rixos Premium Göcek in Turkey.

Hosted by Superyacht Show Türkiye, this singular event celebrates the contributions of women in the boating industry, looking at current challenges and discussing strategies to promote growth, collaboration and innovation.  The conference focuses on the significant impact that women have had in an industry traditionally dominated by men: with female superyacht captains to designing innovative vessels, managing marinas, and more, participants in the event embody excellence and diversity in the maritime industry.

Main points of the event

Moderated by captain Kelly Gordon, the conference boasts a prestigious panel of speakers, including captains Marianthi KasdagliMaria Grazia FrancoLeyla Serter and Merve Dündar, naval architect Yaren Seyyar, marina manager Aziza Mammadova and lawyer Ebru Somran Gözlükçü. The event with discuss, in depth, fundamental issues for the sector, like leadership and networking for female captains, design and sustainable engineering of yachts, eco-compatible technology, innovation in on-board services and in career development for maritime personnel, marina management and strategic approaches to improve the client experience. For further information and to register, contact info@superyachtshowturkiye.com.

Superyacht Show Türkiye: Commanding innovation

Superyacht Show Türkiye contines to cement the position of Göcek as a global maritime hub. Known for their quality construction and chartering of yacht, Turkey is putting itself forward as a model of inclusivity and sustainability with this international event.


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