10 February 2025

Dubai International Boat Show 2025: the return of the luxury boating event

10 February 2025
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The Dubai Show will be hosting over 200 yachts and vessels coming from some of the best shipyards around the world For the first time, there will also be an Innovation Zone, dedicated to start-ups

Dubai International Boat Show 2025: the return of the luxury boating event

The Dubai Show will be hosting over 200 yachts and vessels coming from some of the best shipyards around the world For the first time, there will also be an Innovation Zone, dedicated to start-ups

2 minutes of reading

From 19 to 23 February, the Dubai International Boat Show (DIBS), will take place – one of the most important international boating events, dedicated to luxury yachting and nautical lifestyle. For the fourth year in a row, the event, for which Daily Nautica is a media partner, will take place in the Dubai Harbour, one of the most exclusive seaside neighbourhoods in the world.

The Dubai International Boat Show 2025 will be host to over 200 yachts and vessels built by some of the best shipyards in the world. New to this edition is the Innovation Zone, dedicated to start-ups, real estate companies and brokers, including important companies like Burgess, Behnemar and Royal Yachts.

Alongside well-known Italian companies like Azimut and Ferretti, will also be international shipyards like Gulf Craft, Sunseeker and Yachts One, who will be presenting their latest technology and design innovation. DIBS is putting itself forward, once again, as a point of reference for the nautical industry, offering opportunities for networking and exchanges for professionals and enthusiasts.

The 2025 edition will also host Dive Mena, an event dedicated to scuba diving in the Emirates and countries belonging to the Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC), which includes Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar. In addition, visitors can enjoy Supercar Avenue, an open air showroom displaying high performance cars and some of the rarest in the world. The event will also have exhibition areas dedicated to crew and maritime services, alongside a variety of food corners and family activities.


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