15 January 2024

Düsseldorf Boot 2024: lots of products and Italian businesses participating in the biggest indoor boat show

15 January 2024
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The Düsseldorf Boot, from 20 to 28 January, will have around 1500 exhibitors, including 123 Italian companies

Düsseldorf Boot 2024: lots of products and Italian businesses participating in the biggest indoor boat show

The Düsseldorf Boot, from 20 to 28 January, will have around 1500 exhibitors, including 123 Italian companies

2 minutes of reading

The 55th iteration of the Düsseldorf Boot is upon us. The biggest indoor show for yachts and water sports, running from 20 to 28 January, is ready to embrace boating enthusiasts with lots of interesting products and exclusive events on nearly every topic. The objective is to repeat the number of visitors from the last iteration, with 237,000 visitors coming from over 60 countries.

This year, there will be nearly 1500 exhibitors, spread over 16 pavilions covering a surface area of 220,000 square metres. In Düsseldorf, enthusiasts can choose from a range of different products, from dinghies to sail boats and luxury yachts.

There is also space for many different water sports: pavilion 17 will be dedicated to board sports like kite surfing, pump foiling, paddle boarding, wake boarding and more. Instead pavilions 11, 12 and 13 will be dedicated to diving. Lastly, in pavilion 14, visitors can practice their canoeing and kayaking skills by paddling through an exciting 90 metre course.

The Düsseldorf Boot is one of the most important events for innovation. After last year’s success, this year will also see another forum on sustainability – the “Blue Innovation Dock”. In partnership with the European Boating Industry (EBI), a dialogue will be opened with politicians, sales persons, technicians and the media.


This large German event will have 1484 exhibitors from 68 different countries, including Italy. Indeed, 123 Italian businesses will be present throughout the different pavilions at Boot. Of particular note is the presence of Absolute Yachts, bringing the 48 Coupé, 52 Fly, Navetta 52 and  Navetta 58 to Düsseldorf, Azimut|Benetti with their Magellano 60 and three models from their Fly range, Mangusta YachtsBluegameCantiere Nautico Feltrinelli in partnership with Austrian shipyard, Frauscher  premiering three new models, Cranchi YachtsFerrettiSanlorenzoMarinediNautor SwanNavaltecnosud  with their new cradles with adjustable tilt (CIR), Sacs TecnoribWally and, obviously, representing the industry for Italy, Confindustria Nautica.




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