17 September 2024

Head of the Sanlorenzo Yacht Division talks to DN: “For truly sustainable boating we need hydrogen”

17 September 2024
Article reserved for DN Plus members

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DN interviews Tommaso Vincenzi, head of Sanlorenzo’s Yacht Division “Over the last two weeks we have completed on five contracts, proof of an active market”

Head of the Sanlorenzo Yacht Division talks to DN: “For truly sustainable boating we need hydrogen”

DN interviews Tommaso Vincenzi, head of Sanlorenzo’s Yacht Division “Over the last two weeks we have completed on five contracts, proof of an active market”

4 minutes of reading

Sanlorenzo’s presentation press conference at the Cannes Yachting Festival 2024 was held on board the new 50Steel Almax and was the perfect opportunity to talk about the company’s current affairs. Daily Nautica took the opportunity to interview Tommaso Vincenzi, head of Sanlorenzo’s Yacht Division.

 The Cannes boat show is always a time for appraisals. How is the boating market, and in particular Sanlorenzo’s business?

We are kicking off the Cannes Boat Show with great expectations, following a year that was consistent with the new post-Covid normal. Great expectations because over the last two weeks we have completed on five contracts, proof of an active market. The first semester was positive, also thanks to the American market which has started up again after a difficult year and is now going well. We completed on a number of contracts during the first semester, and this gives us peace of mind. However, for us, Europe is still the strongest market.

This year’s press conference took place on board the 50Steel Almax, a location in line with sustainability and innovation – the pilasters of Sanlorenzo. Can you tell us why?

Because we want to stay in line with the story we are telling, our project for 2030, the deadline for which is on the horizon; this is the time we have given ourselves for developing industrial technology and we are doing that the way Sanlorenzo, and especially Massimo Perotti, have shown us. Today we are on board the first superyacht to use Reformer Fuel Cells. This is the first large scale application of hydrogen cells, which is undoubtedly futuristic. The key point will be the availability of green natural gas which, for us, is the vehicle for making the hydrogen needed by this yacht. Another testament, on a smaller scale, is what is happening currently in Spain, where we can see the America’s Cup with hydrogen-fuelled tenders and zero emission boats like the American Magic and Orient Express, built by Sanlorenzo trading under the brand Blugame, and these vehicles are sailing at 50 knots and working well.

Not just tenders though, there is another plan…

“Yes, reapplying this experience, which was very time-consuming to create, to pleasure boating. The idea isn’t to create more America’s Cup tenders, which is too sophisticated a machine, but it is to capitalise on the experience in two directions. One is fuel cells, so hydrogen use, and the other is foiling, so an alignment with very low resistance, which means faster speeds with less consumption.

Let’s keep talking about sailing and America’s Cup: what can you tell us about Nautor Swan? 

“Swan was a highly debated acquisition. The brand is admired by many people working in Sanlorenzo and who, among other things, love sailing, but it was debated because the idea of working in a Group that has always made a certain type of vessel, another brand, was a very big step. Like Cavalier Perotti explained this evening, the idea isn’t to create a multi-brand group, but to keep the brands with a strong identity. We believe that at this moment in time and on the market, Swan is the brand which best supports the values and heritage of Sanlorenzo.”

In the future, do you think you will be able to make Swan sail boats go on hydrogen?

“That would be the end goal, yes. Bring the technology we have developed into Swan, will probably lead to creating the ideal boat, a boat that sails with the wind when it’s there and with hydrogen when it’s not, so a neutral emission boat.



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