07 October 2022

Interview with the director of the Monaco Yacht Show: “The show was sold out with 118 superyachts”

07 October 2022
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We interviewed Gaëlle Tallarida, managing director for the Monaco Yacht Show, and talked to her about the 2022 edition, statistics, and sustainability.

We interviewed Gaëlle Tallarida, managing director for the Monaco Yacht Show, and talked to her about the 2022 edition, statistics, and sustainability.

1 minutes of reading

The face of the Monaco Yacht Show is female, that of Gaëlle Tallarida, with clear Italian origins, who in her role as managing director for one of the most exclusive boat shows in the world, finds herself facing a long and complex organisation in the months leading up to the event, as well as overcoming any complications that might arise during the show.

We met with her while we were at the Monaco Yacht Show 2022, and where, between one job and the next, she met with us in a room dressed for the occasion, elegant, welcoming and happy to give us some of her time, in spite of all the work she had to do before and after our interview.

We spoke with her about a number of different topics, as you can see in the video interview below.

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