27 September 2021

Monaco Yacht Show: the super yacht show where everything is possible. A lot of Italian stands – Photos by LN

27 September 2021
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We found a lot of Italian stands at the Monaco Yacht Show: operators and, above all, shipyards representing our country were at the event dedicated to the biggest yachts in the world

We found a lot of Italian stands at the Monaco Yacht Show: operators and, above all, shipyards representing our country were at the event dedicated to the biggest yachts in the world

3 minutes of reading

There is a place where everything is possible, where even excess is not considered too much if it is a client asking for it: this is the Monaco Yacht Show, the event dedicated to the biggest and most beautiful super yachts in the world, concluding on Saturday September 25 in the port of Montecarlo.

There are over 300 exhibitors that are participating in the event and around 60 super yachts on display, forty of which have just been launched by some of the most famous shipyards. There were also the habitual exhibitors at the MYS like BenettiFeadshipLürssenOceancoTankoa and many others.

The new Dockside Area, dedicated to the companies directly tied to the construction or management of super yachts and tenders, works perfectly together with the way Porto Hercule in Monaco is divided by exhibit: for many years, each area of the event has had its own theme, to best satisfy the expectations of the visitors.

This year, there are two new exhibition areas. The first is dedicated to sail boats, at the Quai l’Hirondelle. The MYS, in addition to the historic Designer Gallery, also hosts from this edition, the Yacht Design & Innovation Hub, a new space for the presentation of yacht design projects and where visitors can interact with the designers.

These two areas are added to the exhibition areas: Tender & Toys (Quai Antoine Ier), dedicated to tenders and luxury water toys, the Car Deck (Quai Antoine Ier) zone, dedicated to luxury cars, and the areas dedicated to luxury accessories (Parvis Piscine tents), manufacturers of nautical equipment and the latest technology (Darse Sud and Quai Albert Ier).

Focussing on mega yacht manufacturers, present at the MYS 2021 are the stands (and boats) of: Ab Yachts, Abeking & Rasmussen, Alia Yachts, Arcadia Yachts, Azimut Yachts, Baglietto, Baltic Yachts, Benetti, Bilgin Yachts, Columbus Yachts, Conrad Shipyard, CRN Shipyard, Damen Yachting, Delta Marine, Extra Yachts, Feadship, Ferretti Group, Fincantieri Yachts, Gulf Craft, Heesen Yachts, Icon Yachts, ISA Yachts, JFA Yachts, Kusch Yachts, Latitude Yachts, Lloyd Werft, Lürssen, Maiora, Mangusta Yachts, Mondomarine, Nautor’s Swan, Nobiskrug, Ocea Yachts, Oceanco, Rossinavi, Royal Hakvoort Shipyard, Royal Huisman, Sanlorenzo, SES Yachts, Silver Yachts, Sunreef Yachts, Southern Wind, Tankoa Yachts, Turquoise Yachts, Vitters Shipyard, Wally and Westport Yachts.

In short, there is a lot of Italy at Monaco. Walking around the stands at Monaco there is a lot of Italian spoken: exhibitors, workers, professionals and, obviously, builders. Italian shipbuilding, after all, is one of the best in the world, and just looking at the mega yachts on display at Monaco confirms the statistics putting Italian companies at the top of the world rankings.

Over the next few days on Liguria Nautica you will be able to watch the videos we have made on board some of these super yachts, and can read the interviews we have had with some of the most important exponents of the boating industry and Italian design. In the meantime, here are a few images of the magical world of Montecarlo.

The Monaco Yacht Show, closing the triad of large European shows at the end of the summer, after Cannes and Genova, is certainly one of the most exclusive events in the world. Nothing surprises us here: a helicopter bringing a yacht owner to his yacht, the cost of the daily entrance ticket which, for the record, is 500 euros.


Giuseppe Orrù


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