27 November 2024

Over 200 participants at the first International Conference for Women in Boating in Turkey

27 November 2024
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The event, the first of its kind, organised by Superyacht Show Türkiye, was a success

The event, the first of its kind, organised by Superyacht Show Türkiye, was a success

2 minutes of reading

On Saturday 23 November, at the  Rixos Premium Göcek, in Turkey, the very first International Conference for Women in Boating was held, with the aim of highlighting the significant impact of women in an industry that is traditionally male-dominated. The event, the first of its kind, and organised by Superyacht Show Türkiye, was a success, with over 200 participants from all areas of the yachting industry.

From left, Mehmet Kabak, founder of Memetti Superyacht Agency and of Superyacht Show Türkiye

Yachting and gender equality: the women speak

A number of professionals in the yachting sector were called upon to share their stories, the share their professional experiences and explore new opportunities for partnerships, highlighting, once again, the essential role women play in the boating industry.  Many topics were discussed during the roundtables: from the role of the captain to yacht design, crew management, port operations and maritime law.

Women and boating: the importance of networking

At the end of the conference, space was given over for networking, allowing the participants to forge new relationships and strengthen existing ones.

We strongly believe – say the organisers in a note – that the partnerships created during this event will not only inspire, but will also open the way to other similar events in the future. These alliances may become the spark for innovative ideas, to help this sector move forward, encouraging diversity and inclusion within the boating community. We are excited to take the next steps on this path to responsibility and collaboration within the maritime industry, creating more opportunities for women and promoting a supportive environment for all professionals.”

Over the next few weeks, Daily Nautica, media sponsor for the event and editor who has always encouraged gender equality in the industry, will continue to focus in-depth on “Women and Boating”, publishing various interviews with some of the event speakers.

By Maria Cristina Sabatini


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