11 December 2024

Seatec & Compotec Marine returns to Marina di Carrara in March

11 December 2024
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Seatec & Compotec Marine 2025 will take place at Marina di Carrara on 13 and 14 March and will promote the best companies of the Marine Industry

Seatec & Compotec Marine returns to Marina di Carrara in March

Seatec & Compotec Marine 2025 will take place at Marina di Carrara on 13 and 14 March and will promote the best companies of the Marine Industry

3 minutes of reading

On 13 and 14 March 2025 in Marina di Carrara, as part of the Tuscany Yachting Week, the latest iteration of the Seatec & Compotec Marine event will take place – the only professional event in the Mediterranean dedicated to technology, components and design in the boating industry. This is a decisive leap for the future of the naval industry which is increasingly focusing on technological innovation and environmental sustainability.

Exhibitors participating in Seatec will be some of the best companies in the industry, while Compotec Marine will showcase products and innovation in composite materials applied to boating. The event is aimed at industry operators – businesses, professionals an service suppliers – who will find in a single hub the latest technology as well as plenty of chances for networking.


The workshop focused on the Marine Supply Chain, run as a B2B, in one of the strong points of Seatec. Exhibitors at Seatec and Compotec marine will meet, through a series of appointments scheduled through the matchmaking app “Like event”, international buyers selected by IMM Carrara Fiere, in partnership with ICE Agenzia.

In addition to meeting buyers in the B2B area, exhibitors will also be able to have video call meetings with buyers who are not able to be physically present at the event. This format has been specifically created to improve the number of business opportunities, meetings and a larger client reach. In addition, Seatec and Compotec Marine will organise networking events between shipyards and human resources to explore new work opportunities in the marine industry, based on the roles currently in demand (technical designers, carpenters, warehouse workers, economy faculty graduates)


Seatec & Compotec Marine 2025 will reserve an entire area for Innovation Companies, to promote meetings between start-ups, innovative businesses and small to medium enterprise. This space will not only include businesses working in the nautical field, but also those working in other fields wanting to create a dialogue with the marine supply chain. Innovation Space gives new entrepreneurs the chance to present their products and business ideas through a dedicated stage.

The event also included a number of awards ceremonies, like the MYDA, Millennium Yacht Design Award, Incentivizing young designers to express new ideas in nautical design. The Qualitec Technology & Design awards are reserved for innovative products and services put forward by exhibitors, with specific technical and functional qualities, innovative design, materials used and sustainability.

By Valerio Caccavale




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