21 December 2020

The 2021 edition of the Genoa Boat Show will take place between 16 and 21 September. Bucci: “The Eastern Waterfront will become the top Marina of the Mediterranean”

21 December 2020
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The announcement of the director, Alessandro Campagna during the yearly general assembly for Confindustria Nautica members. Bucci: “In Genoa there are 60 thousand active pleasure boaters, we need to be number 1”

The 2021 edition of the Genoa Boat Show will take place between 16 and 21 September. Bucci: “The Eastern Waterfront will become the top Marina of the Mediterranean”

The announcement of the director, Alessandro Campagna during the yearly general assembly for Confindustria Nautica members. Bucci: “In Genoa there are 60 thousand active pleasure boaters, we need to be number 1”

3 minutes of reading

The 61st edition of the Genoa Boat Show will take place from 16 to 21 September 2021.  The announcement was made by its director, Alessandro Campagna, during the yearly general assembly of Confindustria Nautica members, which took place via video conference on 16 December.

Campagna also illustrated the details for the restoration project for the Eastern Waterfront, which will redefine the layout for the Genoa Boat Show and will give the area standing at an international level, for which a ten-year contract has been signed.

A Show that has also excited the mayor of Genoa, Marco BucciWith this year’s Show – noted the mayor – we demonstrated what it means to be entrepreneurs and citizens, as well as sailors. It is a strong sign for a business in which Italy is at the top in the world. The parliament and government must know about this.

We are proud that Confindustria Nautica – added Bucci – signed an agreement with us to bring the Boat Show to Genoa for another 10 years. The city of Genoa would never have been able to organise the Boat Show without Confindustria Nautica and Confindustria Nautica, maybe, would have never been able to organise the Show without the city of Genoa. We will continue in this manner and aim to be number 1.”


Regarding the 2020 Boat Show, the results of the Customer Insight Business Intelligence study carried out by GRS Research & Strategy, an independent agency for qualitative and quantitative analysis for large events, highlighted the satisfaction encountered in both the visitors, and exhibitors, for the only European event capable of obtaining compliance for Covid emergency measures.

In particular 67.3% of exhibitors found the quality of visitors most interesting, 73.9% would suggest participating to their colleagues and 68.8% consider the Boat Show to be a fundamental tool for their business. Approximately 85% of the visitors expressed themselves favourable to the choice of going ahead with the 2020 edition of the event.


The mayor, Marco Bucci then presented to the assembly the design for the Eastern Waterfront. “We are working on the new Waterfront – said Bucci – which will create, in around two years, 500 new boat places, with a management and development system that will make it become the top marina in the Mediterranean, for large vessels as well, up to 110-130 metres. Without counting Hennebique, which will be restructured within the Porto Antico, with a 5+ star hotel, also known as 6 stars.

We want the area to tied to the Blue Economy – concluded the first citizen – to have all the success it deserves. We are the top port of the Mediterranean for ships, but we also want that to be the case for pleasure boating and for all the events centred around itBoating is one of our excellencies and we want it to be recognised by Italy and the world. A number of Genoese enjoy it, even I have my own boat. In Genoa there are at least 60 thousand pleasure boaters, a number which increases during the summer, even though we go boating year round.”


Giuseppe Orrù


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