15 November 2022

The 34th Metstrade in Amsterdam: 200 Italian exhibitors

15 November 2022
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The 34th edition of the Metstrade in Amsterdam will take place between 15-17 November: it is the most important show in the world for boating accessories Italy is participating with around 200 exhibitors

The 34th Metstrade in Amsterdam: 200 Italian exhibitors

The 34th edition of the Metstrade in Amsterdam will take place between 15-17 November: it is the most important show in the world for boating accessories Italy is participating with around 200 exhibitors

2 minutes of reading

From Tuesday 15 to Thursday 17 November, the 34th iteration of the Metstrade will take place in Amsterdam, the biggest show in the world dedicated to boating accessories, with thousands of industry professionals meeting for three days of networking, research and sales.

Over 1400 exhibitors are expected, coming from over 50 countries around the world. Among these is also a large contingent of Italians with around 200 exhibitors. Accommodating them will be the ten pavilions of the RAI Convention Center.

All the signs – says the director of Metstrade, Niels Klarenbeekindicate that the industry is as enthusiastic as we are, because we are seeing the participation of shipbuilders, wholesalers, naval architects, tourist marina developers and other boating professionals from around the world.


This year’s Metstrade programme is centred around the environment, technology, diversity and skill development. The visionary for electric planes, Cory Combs, will issue a challenge during the breakfast briefing on 15 November, asserting that the maritime industry, like aviation, must focus on sustainability now, using current technology.

The Breakfast Briefing will also see the presentation of the winners of the prestigious DAME Design Awards 2022, which had over 100 candidates this year. The products nominated represent the best in the design efforts needed to improve user experience and production efficiency.

Gender diversity is an equally important priority for the boating industry. This year, Metstrade, in partnership with British Marine and Soundings Trade Only, will host an international meeting for women in the maritime industry during the breakfast briefing on 16 November, to discuss the opportunities and main challenges faced by women working in this sector.

The Metstrade Theatre will also host a series of other presentations on important topics, including technology systems and market forecasts for the superyacht sector. Next door, the Mets E-LAB Electric & Hybrid Showcase will present the latest in electric and hybrid propulsion.


Around seventy Italian exhibitors will be located in the Italy Pavilion, together with Confindustria Nautica. Among these are Foresti & Suardi, Forniture Nautiche Italiane, Gruppo Boero, Guidi, Fratelli Razeto & CasaretoSchenker Italia, and Veleria San Giorgio.

But the Italian team present at Mets is much larger and, located in other pavilions are companies like Opacmare, Glomex, CMC Marine, Riviera Genova, Osculati, Navaltecnosud, Starlight Italia, FPT Industrial and many others.


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