17 October 2023

The Barcelona Boat Show closes with over 50 thousand visitors – Photos by DN

17 October 2023
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At the heart of the 2023 edition of the Barcelona Boat Show was next year’s America’s Cup, which will take place in the Catalan city

At the heart of the 2023 edition of the Barcelona Boat Show was next year’s America’s Cup, which will take place in the Catalan city

2 minutes of reading

The Barcelona International Boat Show closed its 2023 edition on Sunday 15 October with around 50 thousand visitors, and contributed to promoting the America’s Cup which will take place in 2024 in the Catalan city.

The event, which from 11 to 15 October filled Port Vell in Barcelona with boaters and ocean lovers, once again confirmed itself to be one of the large sales platforms for the industry, recording a significant number of transactions and bringing together big brands.


The event also acted as a backdrop, through  Porto Àgora located in Portal de la Pau, to a full program of conferences, debates and presentations, with next year’s America’s Cup at the heart. The presentation ceremony for the six teams participating in this legendary race was also held, as well as the immersive exhibition, America’s Cup Experience.


The 2023 Barcelona Boat Show, also demonstrated, yet again, all the hard work of the industry for environmental sustainability, with the presence of a number of different types of electric vessels and engines. Organised by Fira de Barcelona in partnership with the Asociación Nacional de Empresas Naúticas (ANEN), this year’s iteration saw over 240 exhibitors and 640 vessels, with 160 in the water along the piers of La Fusta, Espana and Port Vell.

This edition – said the president of the Barcelona Boat Show, Luis Condehas, yet again, highlighted the industry’s need for this event as a driving force for sales and the promotion of pleasure and sport boating. In addition, this year, we have also promoted the America’s Cup for sailing, with the aim of helping the people of the city learn more about it and promote Barcelona as one of the boating capitals of the world.

This year – added the event manager, Josep Antoni Llopart we continued to help companies in the industry in their journey towards more innovative and environmentally respectful boating.


A few hours on from closing, it is estimated that around 50 thousand people visited during the 2023 edition of the Barcelona International Boat Show, who also enjoyed the excellent weather during the event as can be seen in the Daily Nautica photo gallery. Preparation for the next iteration, dedicated to the 2024 America’s Cup, has already begun.



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