03 March 2025

The founder of Centouno Navi talks to DN: “A fast boat doesn’t necessarily mean it pollutes more”

03 March 2025
Article reserved for DN Plus members

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DN interviews Marco Arnaboldi, founder of Centouno Navi, during the Dubai International Boat Show

The founder of Centouno Navi talks to DN: “A fast boat doesn’t necessarily mean it pollutes more”

DN interviews Marco Arnaboldi, founder of Centouno Navi, during the Dubai International Boat Show

3 minutes of reading

Speed, comfort, a nonconformist yet captivating design, a lot of research and an eye for sustainability. These are the strong points of Centouno Navi, a brand of high speed vessels, founded only a few years ago, but based on the experience of its founder, naval engineer Marco Arnaboldi, who has poured all his knowledge in to the new brand. The DN interviewed him during the 2025 Dubai International Boat Show.

Mr Arnaboldi, we often think that a fast boat pollutes more. Is that the case?

No. Contrary to those who believe that a fast boat “must” pollute more, we have always managed to prove the contrary. Calculating the amount of CO2 produced, per equivalent mile travelled, we are currently at a net advantage of even 40/50% compared to our direct competitors. In regards to “traditional” vessels, the slower ones, we have to note that in spite of the lower power installed, they generate much more CO2, as travelling that “mile” takes longer therefore consuming more fuel.

What role does research and sustainability play for Centouno Navi?

A very important role. We have been able to create materials for recycled internal fittings that can in turn be used once the vessel is no longer in use, or whenever substantial modifications are undertaken. A lot of care has been taken to reduce weight and build an efficient hull, all of this alongside the latest water-jet propulsion technology guarantees an overall performance of even more than 75/76% compared to traditional propulsion.

What is the first vessel you built? Can you share some details with us?

The first vessel we made was Vespro. It was a “demo” boat which we funded completely on our own, and I believe it destabilised the market a bit because, in addition to having a nonconforming design, it is comfortable and has exceptional performance, as well as being environmentally friendly. A lot of thought also went into the aerodynamics of the vessel, so as to make the boat not just comfortable but also able to reach fast speeds, even in rough seas.

Your vessels have a fascinating design. Where do you get your inspiration from?

Our vessel design is original, it isn’t inspired by other models on the market but I am inspired by animal shapes. We wanted to adopt a “less is more” philosophy. In addition, even though they are fairly small boats, that can be completely customised for our clients, not just in the choice of materials, but also layout and a large part of the exterior.


By Maria Cristina Sabatini


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