30 April 2022

The Palma International Boat Show 2022 opens: a record breaking edition

30 April 2022
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The Palma International Boat Show 2022 has opened in Palma de Majorca, the boat show from the Balearic Islands has opened with higher numbers than before Covid.

The Palma International Boat Show 2022 has opened in Palma de Majorca, the boat show from the Balearic Islands has opened with higher numbers than before Covid.

2 minutes of reading

The Palma International Boat Show opened on Thursday 28 April at Moll Vell in Palma de Majorca, with a record number of participating businesses and 264 boats on display. The 2022 edition of the Palma International Boat Show, open until 1 May, includes 276 exhibitors, 6 more than 2019 and 49 more compared to last year (+21%).

Of note, in particular, is the participation of new businesses that had never participated in the Balearic Islands Boat Show before. A good 28% of the exhibitors in the 2022 iteration came to Palma de Majorca for the first time to showcase their businesses.

On display at the Palma International Boat Show are new products and boats on a global scale, because it is the first boat show of the season and a number of shipyards have chosen Palma to present their new models. Of note is also the growth of the Sail Boat Show, showcasing one of the most sustainable ways of navigation. There has also been a growth in hybrid and electric boats, as well as other sustainable products focussed on protecting our seas.

The Palma International Boat Show also includes the Palma Superyacht Village, selling and leasing vessels over 24 metres. This year the Village stands out as the biggest exhibition of sail boats in Europe, as well as a wide range of motor boats.

This area also includes a section dedicated to repairs and maintenance, as well as refitted boats, with the participation of 21 businesses dedicated to this import activity in the boating industry, in addition to services.


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