12 November 2024

The TOIO Deck Safety Shoe nominated as a finalist of the Dame Design Awards at Metstrade

12 November 2024
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TOIO is ready to fly to Amsterdam to participate in Metstrade for the first time

The TOIO Deck Safety Shoe nominated as a finalist of the Dame Design Awards at Metstrade

TOIO is ready to fly to Amsterdam to participate in Metstrade for the first time

2 minutes of reading

Important news for TOIO, a Genoese company founded in 2016, but based on decades of experience in boating, making sporting or technical apparel for sailors, crew and yacht clubs. This well known nautical clothing company is ready to fly to Amsterdam on 19 November to participate, for the first time, in METSTRADE, one of the most important international shows for the pleasure boating industry. And there it will be a star.

Their Deck Safety Shoe, the first protective shoe made specifically for sailing, has been nominated as one of the most innovative products and as a finalist in the 33rd iteration of the DAME Design Awards. In particular, TOIO’s Deck Safety Shoe has been nominated one of the 5 innovations competing for the award in the “Personal Equipment” category.

The TOIO Deck Safety Shoe: the first boat safety shoe in the world 

Made using oiled nubuck suede with a fibreglass toe, the TOIO Deck Safety Shoe is the first shoe in the world created for the safety needs of sailors, but it can also be used by anyone wanting a safety product that is both resistant and lightweight, with a sporty yet refined look that has always marked sailing.

Its lightweight sole, using EVA rubber, is non-slip and non-marking, leaving the deck clean during the many manoeuvres carried out by sailors when sailing. The fibreglass toe is resistant to impact and compression up to 200 joules. The upper part of the shoe is hand stitched, giving the product increased resistance and longevity.

A young company with 40 years of experience 

TOIO is a technical apparel brand specialised in resistant and high performing sailing apparel, founded 8 years ago, but with decades of experience behind them. Their hard work in research and innovation pushes the Genoa-based company to continuously improve the performance of their products, without overlooking design and sustainability.

TOIO at Mets: when and where

You can find out more about TOIO at Metstrade from Tuesday 19 to Thursday 21 November in the RAI Conference Centre in Amsterdam, Hall 7 Stand 414.


By Maria Cristina Sabatini


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