25 October 2024

The World Championship for Underwater Photography and Underwater video held in Albania for the first time – Video by DN

25 October 2024
Article reserved for DN Plus members

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The World Championship of Underwater Photography and Video saw the participation of 75 professionals from 19 different countries on four continents

The World Championship of Underwater Photography and Video saw the participation of 75 professionals from 19 different countries on four continents

2 minutes of reading

The World Championship of Underwater Photography and Underwater Video has just concluded, in the enchanting Saranda, in the southern Riviera of Albania.

The event saw the participation of 75 professionals from 19 different countries on four continents Having reached its twentieth iteration, the competition included a video category for the sixth year in a row. As always, the championship was carried out following the CMAS (Confédération Mondiale Des Activités Subaquatiques) regulations.

From 7 to 12 October, photographers and videographers challenged each other with over 450 dives, trying to win on 30 podiums divided into seven categories for photography and three for video. Italy did well, bringing home seven medals.

Daily Nautica was present during the event and had the chance to meet the organisers and international divers who were very enthusiastic about the rich variety of underwater life and historical sites. Participants described their experiences as unforgettable, noting how exciting it was to explore different areas.

The championship – says Simone Modugno, PhD Logistic Director for the World Championship of Underwater Photography and Video – not only highlighted the beauty of the marine environment in Saranda, but also positioned the area as an emerging destination for diving tourism.


The Italian team competing in the Underwater Photography category included, team leader Mario Genovesi,technical manager Michele Davino, photographers Fabio Iardino and Davide Lombroso and their respective models Chiara Scrigner and Elena Piccoli.

While the team competing in the Underwater Video category included technical manager Gian Melchiori, video operators Enrico Rabboni and Antonio Palermo and their respective assistants, Roberto Grandoni and Alfio Scuderi.



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