23 July 2024

Tureddi Group in Viareggio for an exclusive three-day event “Charter Business” – Photos by DN

23 July 2024
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During the event Tureddi Group debuted their new designs for 18 to 65 metre yachts

During the event Tureddi Group debuted their new designs for 18 to 65 metre yachts

3 minutes of reading

In Viareggio, Tureddi Group organised an exclusive three-day event centred around “Charter Business”, during which the Tuscan shipyard shared their investments made in the research and design of new motor yachts created specifically for the charter market, closing contracts and signing up important Central Agencies. A year after launching the Tureddi Yachts brand, these three days, which Daily Nautica also took part in, were also the perfect opportunity for them to debut their new designs for yachts from 18 to 65 metres.

The event, which included conferences, visits to the shipyard, to the Tenuta delle Cantine Petra winery in Suverato and one of the most famous piers in yachting in Via Coppino, where a gala evening was held, showcases Viareggio’s hospitality, showing guests, which included representatives for brokering agencies, captains and industry operators, the spirit of sacrifice and tradition that make the group stand out.

Defined by CEO Alessandro Tureddi as “an English group with an Italian and Viareggio heart”, Tureddi Group have reached a number of their goals in this past year, with a number of partnership requests from large international brokering groups, in addition to professionals and clients who have developed a solid interest in the shipyard, their modus operandi and networking strategies.

Also very successful was the panel held in the splendid Cantine Petra, where participants discussed “Charter Business” and realised how within the motor yacht sector there is a gap looking to be filled. And this is one of the reasons that brought Tureddi Yachts to create another range of vessels, in addition to Classic and Explorer, dedicated to Charter, to those investors that want to acquire motor yachts created to guarantee the best chartering experience possible.

The new “E” line, based on an explorer, with generous spaces and a number of recreational solutions, will be officially presented during the Cannes and Monaco boat shows, with a range going from 60 to 120 feet. In addition, these yachts will be able to transform into Shadow Vessels, with contained costs, to “accompany” larger vessels needing support for the transport of toys.

It is an efficient boat – explained Tureddi during the panel – created to be low maintenance. It allows owners to minimise costs for their own use or charter use and to maximise earnings from chartering. We expect the keel to be laid in September 2024 for the first 60-footer, which will be delivered in 2025 for the summer season, and in December we will start on the 65 metre, which we will officially present during the Cannes and Monaco 2024 Boat Shows.”

During the Monaco Yacht Show 2024 and the Festival de la Plaisance in September – concluded Tureddi – we will also officially present our new lines that we have debuted for the operators during this corporate event. In addition to the E series, we will also present the new X series with the X370, X450 and X550 models and the design for EX65.”




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