04 August 2021

V Marine opens the first Azimut Yachts Lounge on Ponza

04 August 2021
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Glamour, yachts, high-end cuisine and famous faces at the 11th edition of Rendez-V Marine, the yearly event for Azimut owners, on the island of Ponza, where they also opened the first Azimut Yachts Lounge

Glamour, yachts, high-end cuisine and famous faces at the 11th edition of Rendez-V Marine, the yearly event for Azimut owners, on the island of Ponza, where they also opened the first Azimut Yachts Lounge

4 minutes of reading

The eleventh edition of Rendez-V Marine charmed the island of Ponza, with three days of glamour, famous faces, owners, high-end cuisine and, obviously, beautiful yachts. Making the yearly meeting even more special, was the opening of the first ever Azimut Yacht Lounge by V Marine.

Now the event has finished, there is a beautiful story to share. A story that began months ago, when V Marine expanded its dealership, and with that, its horizons throughout central Italy, choosing Ponza as the ideal and most representative location for its yearly event: the Rendez-V Marine, “the Azimut Yachts owners meeting”.

We visited the island a number of times – explained Vincenzo Soria, founder and managing director of V Marine – which was complex from a logistics point of view made even more so because of the pandemic, changing things swiftly and strongly. However, the desire to return to some normality and share our enthusiasm added to our determination and a traditional rendez-vous of Azimut Yachts owners and lovers transformed into something much larger and much more ambitious: the creation of the first Azimut Yachts Lounge by V Marine.

Where? In the starred restaurant,  Acqua Pazza di Gino Pesce, a point of reference for Romans and an authentic gem of the island, which two years ago moved from its traditional site in Via Carlo Pisacane to an new, strategic location, with a breathtaking view of the sea.

Acqua Pazza di Gino Pesce is a location that, for the Romans visiting the islands, needs no presentation and that for Vincenzo Soria has a particular significance. “I have known Gino Pesce – said Soria, founder and Managing Director of V Marine Group – since I was a child: he is a friend, in addition to being an entrepreneur with a great history, who learned how to grow and make his own an art, which has been recognised and awarded, confirming his success.

The marvellous terraces of the restaurant filled with exclusive guests: Azimut Yachts owners and other illustrious guests, who, with their eyes looking to the highest terrace, the one reserved for the Azimut Yachts Lounge, watched and clapped for the cutting of the ribbon. Scissors in hand, Giovanna Vitelli, owner and vice president of the Azimut | Benetti Group, who, together with Vincenzo SoriaValerio Tesei and Massimiliano Papa, respectively founders and CFO of the V Marine Group, opened this new and important initiative.

Space was also dedicated to partners of excellence, who, with their support contributed to the success of the event: “When excellencies, Made in Italy and not, come together – noted the organisers of V Marine – the value created grows exponentially and is perceived by our guests and clients as something solid, robust, and continual. This is the way we work, with a strong team that knows how to make this formula work effectively and helps us to develop and share a feeling of belonging that connects and reinforced the trust in a prestigious brand that we represent, Azimut Yachts, and to us, V Marine Group. We are happy to be able to do our work with pride and satisfaction.

An event that was the ideal context to celebrate the recent acquisition of the Centro Italia, where V Marine represents the Azimut Yachts brand with an office at the Porto Romano Marina & Resort. Animating the meeting were two exceptional evenings: the first, Friday, with the unveiling of the new  Tecnorib Pirelli 50. On Saturday was the gala evening, with the official opening of the prestigious Azimut Yachts Lounge by V Marine.

The Rendez-V Marine is an event that has been taking place yearly since 2015 in two editions, summer and winter, with the aim of celebrating boating and sharing with guests the lifestyle that V Marine offers its clients, promoting their work in the industry, with the contribution of illustrious partners like Rolls Royce, Ferrari Trento, Fendi, Roger Dubuis, Pirelli Tecnorib and Borsalino. Companies with which V Marine has created strong working relationships, in many cases continuing year after year, fuelled by the communal passion for beautiful and well made objects, united by a common thread for excellence, high quality and hard work.


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