23 October 2024

World Yachting Summit: the first world summit dedicated to the yachting industry

23 October 2024
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The World Yachting Summit is a strategic platform for businesses wanting to work in an industry with a positive impact and grow, innovate and be successful in the competitive yachting industry

World Yachting Summit: the first world summit dedicated to the yachting industry

The World Yachting Summit is a strategic platform for businesses wanting to work in an industry with a positive impact and grow, innovate and be successful in the competitive yachting industry

3 minutes of reading

From 15 to 17 April, in the enchanting setting of the Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort in Monaco, the first edition of the World Yachting Summit (WYS) will be held; an international meeting platform that will unite the main players and experts in the industry to discuss the main challenges in the future of yachting and promote a plan of action. Over these three days of showrooms, networking, social events, conferences and meetings, four main topics will be covered:

  • Business Perspectives – Evolution archetypes;
  • Tourism & Yachting – Recipes for success;
  • Technological Advances – The path to zero emissions;
  • Challenges Ahead – Reinventing yachting.

The aim is to create a solid base for discussion, interaction and inspiration focused on supporting the development of pleasure yachting around the world, with particular attention on its evolution, company practice, emerging markets, new destination, and adopting technological solutions to guarantee a better performing and cleaner future.

The event organisers have already shared the programmes for the first two editions, in Monaco (April 2025) and Dubai (spring 2026). The full programme can be found here. “A fundamental characteristic of the WYS – explains Laurent Perignon, WYS Development & Content – is the open nature of its programme, supervised by our editorial team. Participants are invited to present proposals that can be incorporated into the programme, like speeches, case studies or round tables.”

In addition, the World Yachting Summit is strongly committed to expanding, hoping to involve new geographical areas in future iterations: this openness will not only enhance the event with different cultures and perspectives, but will also offer participants the unique opportunity of being in contact with industry leaders and explore emerging markets.

Deciding to launch the WYS in Monaco is the result of two strategic partnership agreements signed with Monaco Marina Management (M3), a services consultancy company for tourist marinas based in Monaco, and OMNIYAT, one of the main luxury real estate developers based in Dubai.

The ambition of M3 is to help clients and authorities to create or transform tourist marinas into hubs, based on a nautical lifestyle, where services, aesthetics and sustainability will be at the service of the surrounding communities. “We are convinced – notes  José Marco Casellini CEO for M3 – that through these exchanges and meetings we will uncover those ideas that will shape the future of our sector. We all have a role to play and, working together, sharing our knowledge and agendas, we can guide the industry in the right direction.”

As a developer of iconic, high quality spaces, OMNIYAT considers the yachting sector as a natural extension of the refined and responsible lifestyle they promote. “OMINYAT’s partnership with the World Yachting Summit – notes Madhi Amjad, Chairman for OMNIYAT – reflects our aim of connecting luxury lifestyle with innovation and environmental responsibility.

Mor than an annual boating event, the World Yachting Summit is a strategic platform for businesses wanting to work in an industry with a positive impact and grow, innovate and be successful in the competitive yachting industry. For further information, visit the WYS official site or contact via email: contact@worldyachtingsummit.com.


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