Topic | Itineraries
A cura di Liguria Nautica

Do you like the sea and want a romantic walk? Come to the Passeggiata dei Baci!

This is the best way to walk to Portofino and enjoy the fantastic view that our coast gifts us

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Do you like the sea and want a romantic walk? Come to the Passeggiata dei Baci!
A cura di Liguria Nautica

Do you like the sea and want a romantic walk? Come to the Passeggiata dei Baci!

This is the best way to walk to Portofino and enjoy the fantastic view that our coast gifts us

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3 minutes of reading

The Passeggiata dei Baci is the best way to go from Santa Margherita to Portofino. A walk which will show you some breathtaking views on a walk far from main road, filled, especially in the summer, with cars and scooters.



  • Length: two and a half hours.
  • Cost (excluding food): Zero euros.
  • Period: autumn/spring/summer.
  • Difficulty: easy.



To go along the trail renamed the Passeggiata dei Baci we decided to depart from the centre of Santa Margherita. In the summer the best solution to reach the Ligurian town is to take the train, so as to avoid the highly congested roads.


We walk past the public gardens, past the marina, and after about fifteen minutes reach the beach area: you can’t miss it, all you need to do is follow the main road which goes towards Portofino. After about twenty minutes we reach the area of Paraggi, our itinerary has yet to begin, but this “appetizer” is already very beautiful.


Shortly before the beach of Niasca, we cross to the right-hand side of the road and go up a staircase leading to the Passeggiata dei Baci; after a short distance we notice a huge white sign with a heart marking the beginning of the trail: this is a relaxing walk and suitable for even less active people.


After a few steps, we notice a marker showing us the path to follow: continuing straight we get closer to Portofino, behind us is Paraggi. The panorama is breathtaking, the view from above is evocative and we can admire the coastline in all its splendor. This is a beautiful location to take some photos.


We get closer to Portofino and the road becomes narrower, for a few minutes a stone wall blocks the view but, having passed it, we have nearly reached our destination. From the last part of the Passeggiata dei Baci we begin seeing some of the mega yachts, in the summer these are everywhere, like chess pieces aligned on a blue chessboard.


Having finished the Passeggiata dei Baci we go down towards the Piazzetta and in a few minutes are in the centre of the Ligurian village: it has taken us little over an hour and a half to reach our destination. After having admired the beauty of the area, we think of a few things to do for the afternoon: a possible excursion is a visit to Castello Brown and the Faro di Portofino. But first we need to decide where to eat, then we can organize better on a full stomach.




There are a number of restaurants to enjoy a delicious lunch, remember that, being Portofino, the costs are quite high. A good alternative, especially if you want to keep it light if you are planning an excursion in the afternoon, is to enjoy a sandwich and drink in one of the many cafes in the area.

