A cura di Liguria Nautica

Exotic rice salad with prawns and mango

A fresh and easy recipe, based on crustaceans and exotic fruit

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Exotic rice salad with prawns and mango
A cura di Liguria Nautica

Exotic rice salad with prawns and mango

A fresh and easy recipe, based on crustaceans and exotic fruit

Article reserved for DN Plus members

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1 minutes of reading



300g basmati rice

10 prawns

250g mango

150g fine peas, or petits pois

minced garlic

1 flat tablespoon of curry powder

peel of one lemon

chives (optional)




Boil the rice in salt water according to package directions. Boil the prawns for 10 minutes together with the peas, drain and cool. Dice the mango and sauté in a frying pan with some butter and the finely chopped garlic.

Drain the rice and cool. Mix all the ingredients together, cut some of the prawns in pieces and leave others whole. Lastly, add the lemon zest and the curry powder. Serve the exotic rice salad at room temperature, together with a fresh fruit cocktail.


Serves 4.


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