A cura di Liguria Nautica

Ice cream with Spiced Apples

A recipe that will empty your freezer of half eaten ice cream containers, easy to make that will surprise your guests: ice cream, with spiced apples

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Ice cream with Spiced Apples
A cura di Liguria Nautica

Ice cream with Spiced Apples

A recipe that will empty your freezer of half eaten ice cream containers, easy to make that will surprise your guests: ice cream, with spiced apples

Article reserved for DN Plus members

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1 minutes of reading



2 Granny Smith apples

2 tablespoons raisins

2 tablespoons pine nuts

30g butter

icing sugar

powdered cinnamon

juice of half a lemon

cream or vanilla flavoured ice cream




Wash the apples and cut small, no need to peel if you don’t want to. Sauté them for about 10 minutes in the butter, raisins, and pine nuts. They should be cooked but firm still.

At the end, while the apples are still in the pan, add the lemon and some cinnamon powder to taste. If you really love cinnamon, you can add a bit more when serving.

Serve the warm spiced apples with two scoops of ice cream and a dusting of icing sugar. This same recipe can be made with pears (with a firm type, like Abate) or with pineapple.


Serves 4.


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