A cura di Liguria Nautica

Portofino pasta sauce

sauce, penne pasta, Portofino

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Portofino pasta sauce
A cura di Liguria Nautica

Portofino pasta sauce

sauce, penne pasta, Portofino

Article reserved for DN Plus members

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1 minutes of reading



350g pasta

5 ripe tomatoes

3 tbsp pesto

extra virgin olive oil







Cook pasta according to package directions. In the meantime, peel the tomatoes and prepare the sauce by sautéing the garlic. Add the tomatoes, a pinch of sugar and salt. Cook for about 20 minutes.

Drain the pasta, then toss in the pan with the sauce. Take off the heat then add the pesto. Serve hot.


Serves 4.


Manuela Facino

Photograph: lapiccolacasa.blogspot.it

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