A cura di Liguria Nautica

Quick Fish Stew

Easy to prepare in a short amount of time, even for a last minute dinner: fish stew is delicious even when made in just 20 minutes

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Quick Fish Stew
A cura di Liguria Nautica

Quick Fish Stew

Easy to prepare in a short amount of time, even for a last minute dinner: fish stew is delicious even when made in just 20 minutes

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1 minutes of reading



150g baby squid, cleaned

100g fresh cod

1 litre tomato passata

Mix for base (finely chopped garlic, celery, carrots

5 large prawns

half a glass white wine

Salt and peperoncino chilli pepper

Slices of stale bread


extra virgin olive oil

fresh parsley




Begin by cutting the cod and squid in pieces. Then, in a deep pan, pour in the oil and cook the base mix for a few minutes, then add the fish and prawns.

Add half a glass of wine then, when it has evaporated, add the tomato passata, some salt and the pepper then cook for around 20 minutes. At the end, add the finely chopped parsley.

Serve the stew hot, with the toasted bread drizzled in oil and rubbed with garlic.


Serves 4.


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