A cura di Liguria Nautica

Risotto with Saffron and Artichokes

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Risotto with Saffron and Artichokes
A cura di Liguria Nautica

Risotto with Saffron and Artichokes

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1 minutes of reading



300g Carnaroli rice

4 artichokes

extra virgin olive oil

30g butter

1 scallion

1 unwaxed lemon

2 packet saffron

1L beef broth

grated parmesan cheese

glass of white wine

Salt and pepper




Finely chop the scallion then sauté in a pan with some oil and butter. Clean the artichokes, removing the outer leaves and the inner choke. Only keep the hearts. Then slice them and place them in water with lemon to stop them from turning brown. When the scallion is golden, add them and toss briefly. Remove from the pan. Add the rice to the pan and toast for a few minutes, add the glass of white wine, and when it evaporates, begin adding the broth.

The first ladleful should cover all of the rice. When the rice is half-cooked, add the artichokes. Continue cooking the rice.

When the rice is nearly cooked, add the saffron. Lastly, turn off the heat and add the parmesan (about two or three tablespoons, to taste) the grated lemon zest and a good dash of pepper. If needed, add some salt.


Serves 4.


Manuela Facino


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