A cura di Liguria Nautica

Salmon and spinach roll

Perfect as a finger food, easy to make ahead: you can put whatever you like in the roll, we chose smoked salmon

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Salmon and spinach roll
A cura di Liguria Nautica

Salmon and spinach roll

Perfect as a finger food, easy to make ahead: you can put whatever you like in the roll, we chose smoked salmon

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1 minutes of reading



200g smoked salmon

8 medium eggs

50g grated parmesan cheese


black pepper

extra virgin olive oil

300g spinach

garlic cloves

100g robiola cheese




Beat the eggs together with the parmesan, add a pinch of salt and pepper. Whisk until frothy.

Cook the eggs in a 180-degree Celsius oven, in a square or rectangular pan, lined in greaseproof oven paper, for 15 minutes.

In the meantime, prepare the spinach. If they are fresh, remember to wash them under running water to eliminate any dirt. Sauté the garlic in a pan then add the spinach. Cook for five minutes. Put in a blender with some olive oil, salt and pepper.

Place the baked egg mixture on a piece of plastic wrap to help roll it. Begin by spreading the robiola cheese (an Italian soft cheese), the creamed spinach and slices of salmon. Carefully roll it up then wrap in the plastic. Keep in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

Perfect as a starter or a light main dish.


Serves 4.



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