A cura di Liguria Nautica

Salted codfish pate on toast (or polenta)

This is delicious and easy to prepare, great to spread on toast, but also to use as a pasta sauce

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Salted codfish pate on toast (or polenta)
A cura di Liguria Nautica

Salted codfish pate on toast (or polenta)

This is delicious and easy to prepare, great to spread on toast, but also to use as a pasta sauce

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1 minutes of reading



8 slices bakery bread

450g salted codfish, deboned and rehydrated

1 carrot

1 stalk of celery

1 small onion

a handful of parsley

extra virgin olive oil

white pepper

half a glass of white wine

garlic cloves




Roughly chop the carrot, celery and onion then put them in a pot, together with a stalk of parsley and a few grains of pepper, the half glass of wine and enough water to cover the fish.

Bring the vegetables to a boil first, then add the fish. Cook for 7-8 minutes. Drain the fish, saving the cooking water and, while still warm, put the fish into the blender together with a handful of chopped parsley and peeled garlic cloves (to taste). Blend together while adding a thread of extra virgin olive oil, in this manner you will have a light, fluffy pate. If it is still not soft enough, add a bit of the cooking water.

Toast the bread and spread the pate on top, add a dusting of white pepper and some finely chopped fresh parsley. A delicious variant is to substitute the toast with grilled polenta squares.

Serves 4.


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