A cura di Liguria Nautica

Sicilian pesto, the fastest recipe

Sicilian pesto is a very easy sauce to make, but looks amazing. All you need are a few healthy ingredients.

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Sicilian pesto, the fastest recipe
A cura di Liguria Nautica

Sicilian pesto, the fastest recipe

Sicilian pesto is a very easy sauce to make, but looks amazing. All you need are a few healthy ingredients.

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1 minutes of reading



400g tomatoes

100g grated parmesan cheese

2 tbsp pine nuts

200g ricotta cheese

1 clove garlic

1 bunch basil

Extra virgin olive oil





Wash and peel the tomatoes, remove the seeds then wilt in a pan at very low heat. Clean the basil, using only the leaves. Blend together the tomatoes, basil, pine nuts, parmesan and garlic.

Add a good amount of oil while blending but not an excessive amount. Add some salt then, lastly, stir in the ricotta with a spoon. It should have a creamy consistency, but not liquid, if it is too liquid, add another spoonful of parmesan.

This is a very fast sauce to make, both using a traditional mixer or a hand blender, and can be kept in the fridge for up to two days. Sicilian pesto is best served with homemade pasta like orecchiette or gnocchetti sardi. It is also tasty as a topping for bruschetta.


Serves 6.


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