A cura di Liguria Nautica

Spaghetti with clams

This is how to make spaghetti with clams: together with the shells there is a special ingredient that very few know about (except for the inhabitants of Livorno)

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Spaghetti with clams
A cura di Liguria Nautica

Spaghetti with clams

This is how to make spaghetti with clams: together with the shells there is a special ingredient that very few know about (except for the inhabitants of Livorno)

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1 minutes of reading



400 grams spaghetti

800 grams clams

2 cloves garlic

Peperoncino chilli pepper to taste

Half a leek

Fresh parsley, finely chopped

Extra virgin olive oil




Put the clams in salted water for at least a couple of hours to clean out the sand. When you are about to cook them, rinse them under plenty of running water and leave to drain.

Heat the water for the pasta. Then cook spaghetti according to package instructions.

In the meantime, in a large pan sauté the garlic, peperoncino and thinly sliced leek.

As soon as the leek starts to brown, add the clams, some hot cooking water from the pasta and half the parsley. Sauté for a few minutes, then lower the heat and cover. Leave to cook until all the clams have opened.

Drain the spaghetti and add them to the clams. Cook until creamy, then add the last of the fresh parsley. Spaghetti with clams is to be served hot together with a cool glass of Vermentino wine.


Serves 4.



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