A cura di Liguria Nautica

Squid ragu

An easy and tasty recipe, to make on board or at home, just remember to have some bread on hand to soak up all the sauce!

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Squid ragu
A cura di Liguria Nautica

Squid ragu

An easy and tasty recipe, to make on board or at home, just remember to have some bread on hand to soak up all the sauce!

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1 minutes of reading



500g squid

400g canned whole tomatoes

1 small onion

anchovies either under oil or salted, to taste

2 cloves garlic

1 glass dry white wine


Extra virgin olive oil

Salt and fresh peperoncino chilli pepper




Clean the squid: rinse under running water then remove the tentacles form the body, slice both the tentacles and the bodies. Finely chop an onion and sauté it with the garlic, 4/5 anchovies and some fresh peperoncino chilli (if using salted anchovies, rinse before using, and be cautious when adding additional salt).

Add the squid to the pan with the white wine. Let it evaporate for a few minutes then add the pureed canned tomatoes. Cook for about 20 minutes. Drain the pasta then add to the ragu. Add a handful of fresh chopped parsley.

The choice of pasta is personal: from tagliolini, to gnocchi or maltagliati, the important thing is to have some bread to soak up the sauce!


Serves 4.


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