A cura di Liguria Nautica

Stuffed Pepper Rolls

Simple and delicious, finger food ready to eat in minutes, which will certainly be to everyone’s taste

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Stuffed Pepper Rolls
A cura di Liguria Nautica

Stuffed Pepper Rolls

Simple and delicious, finger food ready to eat in minutes, which will certainly be to everyone’s taste

Article reserved for DN Plus members

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1 minutes of reading



3 bell peppers

300g  canned tuna in olive oil

1 tbsp capers

10 green olives

5 anchovy fillets

1 hard-boiled egg, crushed

fresh parsley


peperoncino chilli pepper




Roast the peppers on the grill, turning them frequently, then cover them with aluminium foil. The aluminium foil will help keep them moist and make it easier to peel them.

Once they are ready cut them into large slices lengthwise and pat them with a paper towel. In a bowl prepare the filling: finely chop the capers, anchovy fillets and olives, add the tuna and the crushed hard-boiled egg. In a frying pan, fry together four tablespoons of breadcrumbs with some olive oil and the peperoncino. Mix all the ingredients together. Lastly, add a generous handful or chopped fresh parsley.

Place the filling into the peppers and roll them.  Let them rest in the fridge for at least 15 minutes. These peppers are a great appetizer, and are even tastier if accompanied by a salad of fresh fennel.


Serves 4.



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