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A cura di Liguria Nautica

Walk from Sestri Levante to Riva Trigoso

An ideal walk for hikers, an enjoyable itinerary

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Walk from Sestri Levante to Riva Trigoso
A cura di Liguria Nautica

Walk from Sestri Levante to Riva Trigoso

An ideal walk for hikers, an enjoyable itinerary

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3 minutes of reading

The excursion from Sestri Levante to Riva Trigoso is ideal for hikers. The difficulty level for this walk is moderate and the view is heavenly. We depart from the centre of the splendid Ligurian town, passing the Bay of Silence, continuing to Punta Manara and, after a last effort, reaching the town of Riva Trigoso.




  • Length: a good hour.
  • Cost (excluding food): zero euros.
  • Period: May-September



We depart from the town centre. Our hike from Sestri Levante to Riva Trigoso starts from Vico del Bottone and continues along Salita della Mandrella. After about ten minutes, we walked above the Bay of Silence: the panorama is indescribable, and the initial effort, this first tract is quite steep, is amply repaid.


This is one of the most evocative areas in Liguria, a real gem: the beauty of the view gives us the excuse to rest for a few minutes. Even though we have just left, the hill is quite steep, but now we are warmed up, we can go on without any trouble.

Sestri Levante – Riva Trigoso Hike: panorama of the Bay of Silence

After a few minutes we reached a crossroads and followed the signs for Riva Trigoso. On the promontory of Punta Manara the views leave us at a loss for words, the hike is easier now as the trail has levelled off. Here the walk is easy, and even less experienced hikers would enjoy this part.


We are now thirty minutes into our hike and in front of us, the trail goes downhill, we avoid that, as we need to reach the opposite side of the promontory. The highest point that can be reached on foot is called the Telegrafo and is over 180 metres above the sea. The view is magnificent and from this spot, on a clear day, you can see the coast of France.


It is difficult to go wrong on the hike between Sestri Levante and Riva Trigoso because the trail is well-marked and is quite simple, but pay attention and do not leave the main trail if you do not know the area very well. We continued straight on until we reached a trail marked by a white cross and an engraving in the stone. Ten minutes after that, we find ourselves on a paved road.


At this point, we go down a short hill and reach our destination, the walk between Sestri Levante and Riva Trigoso is finished. Before turning back, we recommend stopping on the beautiful beaches of Riva, you can relax in the quiet and enjoy your packed lunch.




We recommend having a hearty breakfast before leaving, then, upon arrival, you can decide whether to enjoy a quick lunch (panini, sandwiches, salad, etc.) or stop in a local trattoria. If you want to end the day with the swim in the sea, we suggest having a light lunch.




To reach Sestri Levante, the best option is to use public transport, in the summer, the traffic is terrible and finding a free parking space is very difficult indeed. From the train station, the town centre is only a ten minute walk.


Paolo Bellosta



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