12 December 2020

Lowrance launches the Active Target live sonar and the Fishfinder Elite FS

12 December 2020
Article reserved for DN Plus members

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Active Target and Elite FS by Lowrance are two systems that will revolutionise the sport fishing industry

Lowrance launches the Active Target live sonar and the Fishfinder Elite FS

Active Target and Elite FS by Lowrance are two systems that will revolutionise the sport fishing industry

3 minutes of reading

Lowrance®, world leader in electronics for fishing sine 1957, has launched two new products that will revolutionise the sport fishing industry: the Active Target live sonar, and the Elite Fishing System fishfinder.

ActiveTarget™ Live Sonar can show, in real time, high resolution images of fish in movement through 3 different modes of visualisation: ForwardDown and Scout. The first two modes find fish in front of or under the live sonar transducer, the third gives a view from above, extra wide, of the shape and activities of the fish in front of the transducer (ideal for finding schools of fish). And it is this immediate feedback that allows fishermen to know whether the technique they are using is correct or whether it is time to change.

The system unites the extraordinary functionality of live sonar with the innovative HDS LIVE high resolution Fishing System, the HDS Carbon, and the Lowrance Elite FS display, supplying the connectivity of this new technology through a wide range of displays in different price ranges. ActiveTarget is also the perfect compliment to the Lowrance Active Imaging 3-in-1 sonar, which includes high resolution views in SideScan and DownScan Imaging to find objects and the extraordinary separation of sonar targets using Lowrance CHIRP.

This sonar – notes Skeet Reese, Professional Bass Angler, ex BASS Angler of the Year and Bassmaster Classic Champion – is incredible. No matter what my speed, or that of the electric motor, it supplies instant feedback of a real image of what is happening below the water line, completely eliminating any guesswork.

I can’t wait to use it,” says  Jordan Lee, Professional Bass Angler, two time ex Bassmaster Classic Champion and currently title holder of the Major League Fishing Points Champion. “I think I will be able to catch a lot of fish, something I wouldn’t be able to do without it.”

The new Elite Fishing System™, instead, is the latest in Lowrance’s mid-range fishfinder/chartplotter display range and is the most powerful in the Elite series. The system combines a complete series of fishfinding equipment with an easy to use and easy to install display, offering fishermen all the necessary tools to find and catch more fish, with the high resolution ActiveTarget Live and Active Imaging probe using the Lowrance CHIRP sonar, and SideScan and DownScan Imaging.

In addition, it has a complete network system using the integrated NMEA 2000 wireless and Ethernet connection, it creates a complete Elite FS: users can add a Halo Dome Radar, an Outboard Pilot, or share the data from the sonar, the waypoint and other user data using multiple displays connected by Ethernet. Available from authorised resellers with displays of 7 and 9 inches, the new Elite Fishing Series System series includes a range of model options with or without Active Imaging, as well as solutions for the ActiveTarget Live Sonar transducer.

We are enthusiastic – explains Knut Frostad, CEO of Navico Group – to add such a powerful fishfinder/chartplotter to our accessible and multi-award winning range of products. Fishermen will be happy to know that we have integrated our most advanced sonar technology into an easy to use and easy to install display.” For more information on both systems or on Lowrance’s complete product range, visit their official site.


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