12 February 2025

Captain Bisconti talks to DN: “More women in the superyacht sector”

12 February 2025
Article reserved for DN Plus members

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Daily Nautica interviewed Marco Bisconti, captain of the Stella Mare since 2019 and recently a member of the executive board for Italian Yacht Masters

Captain Bisconti talks to DN: “More women in the superyacht sector”

Daily Nautica interviewed Marco Bisconti, captain of the Stella Mare since 2019 and recently a member of the executive board for Italian Yacht Masters

3 minutes of reading

Last week, at the Gran Hotel del Mare Resort in Bordighiera, Sponsor Day took place – a yearly event organised by Italian Yacht Masters, an association for superyacht captains and, more in general, the Italian yachting community. For industry professionals, this event is an opportunity for networking, training, and meeting, not just between captains, but also for sponsor companies, reinforcing existing partnerships and creating new opportunities.

Daily Nautica took advantage to interview captain Marco Bisconti, recently appointed as a member of the executive board for Italian Yacht Masters, and who has been captain of the Stella di Mare since 2019, a 40-metre superyacht built by CBI Navi.

During Sponsor Day 2025, Italian Yacht Masters presented their new executive board. What does this represent for you?

“Being a part of this executive board is a continued push for improvement. I have to thank all the members who believed in me and still believe in what I can bring to IYM.”

What does it mean for a captain to be an Italian Yacht Masters member? Is the association working on new projects?

“Being part of IYM means being able to grow professionally and to become known in the superyacht sector by connecting with other captains, as well as sector businesses which, in times of need, can help support individual growth. We have different projects under way, all working to benefit our members. The aim is to improve technical preparation, through specialised courses taught by industry professionals, to organise meetings in partnership with shipyards and management agencies, creating added value for our members.”

How did you become interested in boating? Has it been a passion since you were a child?

“Yes, exactly. Since I was a child I have been passionate about the ocean. As a student, I began working during the summers and then I never stopped. In 2001 I became a captain, starting on smaller vessels, until, in 2019, I moved on to the Stella di Mare.”

Over the past few years, we have seen a growing number of women start working in this field, which is traditionally male dominated. Do you agree? What barriers still need to be overcome to favour more inclusion?

“Yes, I can confirm that there are more women joining the ranks, but it is still very much a minority compared to the number of men. I personally know some female captains who do an excellent job, but I believe it will still take some time for the industry to be more comfortable with them.”

How do you see yourself in 10 years?

I don’t know where I will be in ten years. Certainly with the same owner. I hope to have overcome a number of professional challenges, learned new skills and have made a positive contribution to my own and my crew‘s personal growth.

By Manuela Facino



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