10 November 2022

Pininfarina Nautical at the MYS together with Fulvio De Simoni Yacht Design – DN’s interview with Kevin Rice

10 November 2022
Article reserved for DN Plus members

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Kevin Rice, Chief Creative Officer for Pininfarina, explains to Daily Nautica how the partnership between Pininfarina and De Simoni Yacht Design is the summation of the complementary skills of the two design companies

Kevin Rice, Chief Creative Officer for Pininfarina, explains to Daily Nautica how the partnership between Pininfarina and De Simoni Yacht Design is the summation of the complementary skills of the two design companies

2 minutes of reading

Pininfarina Nautical participated in the Monaco Yacht Show together with Fulvio De Simoni Yacht Design, the studio with which they recently partnered. A strategic partnership that will integrate the solid skills in naval design of Fulvio De Simoni with those of Pininfarina, bringing freshness and innovation thanks to their experience in a number of sectors, from automotive to architecture.

The Monaco Yacht Show was the perfect occasion to announce the news of the partnership and their new research concept. “It is with great pleasure – said Fulvio De Simonithat I promoted the partnership with Pininfarina, a very important brand in the automobile industry, to bring together the passion for automobiles with that of nautical design.

By bringing together our complementary skills – added Kevin Rice, Chief Creative officer for Pininfarina – we can respond efficiently to client and shipyard needs, proposing innovative solutions.” A concept that Kevin Rice explains more in depth in this video interview with Daily Nautica.

In addition to a catamaran design announced a few months ago, Pininfarina and De Simoni presented, at the Monaco Yacht Show, an innovative research project, X2 – Explore X Experience, which aims to supersede the classic industry categories. A model that puts the person at the heart of the experience, a singular space to discover exploration and sociability, guaranteeing, all while guaranteeing extremely high performance.

Created to go beyond the limits, the new yacht by Pininfarina and De Simoni Yacht Design is the synthesis of the complementary skills of the two designers, working together to create a unique model.

Pininfarina also exhibited, at their stand, the scale model of the Oceanco Kairos, the result of the partnership between Pininfarina, Oceanco and Lateral Naval Architects. Kairos was created with the objective of developing a new way of conceiving life on board, enhancing every moment of the sailing experience and defining a new standard in terms of sustainability and space.


Video by Claudio Colombo


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