16 August 2021

30-Metre Sanlorenzo yacht catches fire on the Cote d’Azur: it is the “Reine d’Azur”

16 August 2021
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The Reine d’Azure, a 29-metre Sanlorenzo SD96 built in 2019, has caught fire off the Cote d’Azur in France. The cause of the fire is still unknown

The Reine d’Azure, a 29-metre Sanlorenzo SD96 built in 2019, has caught fire off the Cote d’Azur in France. The cause of the fire is still unknown

2 minutes of reading

Sanlorenzo Reine d’Azure – Photo source: Charterword.com

The Reine d’Azur, a 29-metre SD96 model yacht built in 2019 by the Sanlorenzo shipyard, has caught fire off the Cote d’Azur in France, during a charter voyage. The cause of the fire, which broke out around 4:30 am on Wednesday 11 August, is still unknown, but the 7 passengers and 3 crew members were rescued by first responders to the scene.

The alarm sounded at 4:40 and the fire was under control by 10:15 in the morning, but the vessel has been seriously damaged and is most likely not salvageable. Local emergency services, however, were able to stop the yacht from sinking, by deploying a series of floats around the hull, in the hopes of limiting any environmental damage.

Following the fire, the origin of which is still to be ascertained, the Reine d’Azur broke anchor and floated towards the l’Ile du Levant. It was then towed away from the coast to stop the flames from spreading.

According to preliminary investigations by the Préfecture maritime de la Méditerranée, the yacht, however, never got closer than 700 metres to the coast. Around 20 people were involved in rescue and fire fighting operations, including the SNSM, fire fighters and members of the SDIS 83.

This yacht is estimated to be worth 8 million euros.

Photo source: Préfecture maritime de la Méditerranée

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