27 August 2020

A warship in Santa Margherita Ligure? No, it is “Bold”, the superyacht without borders

27 August 2020
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On the summer bank holiday weekend in roads off Santa Margherita Ligure, the Bold dropped anchor, an expedition yacht built by the Australian shipyard, Silver Yachts, drawing curious looks from other boaters and swimmers. We took a close up look for you

On the summer bank holiday weekend in roads off Santa Margherita Ligure, the Bold dropped anchor, an expedition yacht built by the Australian shipyard, Silver Yachts, drawing curious looks from other boaters and swimmers. We took a close up look for you

3 minutes of reading

At first sight it looks like a warship, but looking at it well, you can see that it is a superyacht, conceived for those not wanting to face any limits to sailing all the seas in the world while enjoying the comfort (and luxury) of a cruise without borders.

This is the expedition yacht, Bold, a gem built by the Australian shipyard Silver Yachts. During the Summer Bank holiday weekend it dropped anchor between Santa Margherita Ligure and Paraggi, arousing the curiosity of other boaters and swimmers.

Bold is the fifth biggest superyacht built (in 2019) by the Silver Yachts shipyard, who reached this objective through its partnership with the yacht designer Espen Oeino. The aggressive design and large internal spaces are thanks to him as well as the external decks.

It is 85.3 metres long, with a beam of 11 metres, fully built in aluminium. Semi-displacement, it can reach a maximum speed of 23 knots, but its 7,720 hp engines guarantee an autonomy of 7 thousand nautical miles at a cruising speed of 14 knots. Obviously after having filled its tanks to the brim, which can hold 150 thousand litres of bunker.

There are 15 cabins, to welcome 16 passengers, taken care of by 20 crewmembers. We found the prices for chartering the Bold on some of the charter sites: 985 thousand euros a week. Onboarding and offboarding of passengers can also be done by helicopter, which can land, also at night, on the helipad located to the stern.

The pad, in addition to being equipped for night landing, also has a tank for refuelling the aircraft. Also located on the stern are two 10.5 metre tenders and a 6 metre rib, used for rescues. Its reduced draught, which is no more than 2.8 metres, ensures limited fuel consumption and access to shallow waters, which would be unthinkable for other yachts of this size.

The entertainment deck can be sheltered (from the wind and curious onlookers) with a rigid covering, so as to be able to fully enjoy the relaxing 8-person Jacuzzi. The glass protecting the relaxation area can also be raised when the yacht is in the United Arab Emirates, so as to activate the air conditioning system, designed specifically for this type of climate.

After having dined with a meal cooked on the onboard barbecue, passengers can enjoy the evening in the open air bar, which can also be converted into a dance club, including an integrated laser show. For a more relaxing evening, instead, passengers can opt for a film night, with the large screen and projector installed outdoors. Materials are very high end: teak and durmast finishes, marble floors, and floor to ceiling height windows.


Giuseppe Orrù


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