05 April 2022

Another Russian super yacht has been seized in Imperia: the m/y “New Vogue”

05 April 2022
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The Agenzia Dogane e Monopoli and the Port Authority have seized the mega yacht “New Vogue” from the port of Imperia, a 33 metre yacht belonging to Russian individuals

The Agenzia Dogane e Monopoli and the Port Authority have seized the mega yacht “New Vogue” from the port of Imperia, a 33 metre yacht belonging to Russian individuals

2 minutes of reading

Another Russian super yacht has been seized in the port of Imperia, as part of the sanctions against Russia following their invasion of the Ukraine.

The Ufficio delle Dogane di Imperia and the Imperia Port Authority put seals on the m/y New Vogue on Friday 1 April; a pleasure yacht around 33 metres long and worth over 3.3 million euros, currently docked in the tourist port of Porto Maurizio.

The seizure of the vessel, belonging to Russian individuals, was organised by the Procura di Imperia at the end of month-long investigations by the crime investigations department of the judicial police.

A few weeks earlier, also in the port of Imperia, the ‘Lady M” was confiscated, owned by Alexey Mordashov, a majority shareholder in Severstal and co-owner of the Rossiya Bank (also known as “Putin’s bank”). At the same time, the “freezing” of assets also involved the “Lena” owned by the oligarch, Gennady Timchenko, a personal friend of Russian President Putin, and which was docked at Portosole in Sanremo.

ADM and Port Authority officials, initially carried out a survey in the customs areas of the port of Imperia and, afterwards, began discreet surveillance, aimed at ensuring that “New Vogue” did not leave the dock. In the evening of 1 April, they then came on board the vessel and placed the seals on the command bridge.

The m/y New Vogue is 32.97 metres long and has a beam of 8.06 metres. It was built in 2007 by Peri Yachts and its interior and exterior design was by Scaro Design. With a tonnage of 183 GT, it can reach a maximum speed of 27 knots.


Video: Coast Guard

Photos: Guardia Costiera and Vesselfinder.com


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