14 December 2021

Antonini Navi delivers a new 56-metre hull

14 December 2021
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As part of a larger project for the construction of 5 hulls between 30 and 58 metres for well-known Italian shipyards.

Antonini Navi delivers a new 56-metre hull

As part of a larger project for the construction of 5 hulls between 30 and 58 metres for well-known Italian shipyards.

2 minutes of reading

Antonini Navi, specialised shipbuilders in the construction of super yachts, founded in 2019 by Gruppo Antonini Spa, has delivered a 56-metre hull as part of a larger project for well-known Italian shipyards, consisting in the construction of five hulls, complete with superstructure, with lengths of between 30 and 58 metres.

Of the five units under construction, three (including this one) have been completed and delivered, while the last two are currently in the final phase: the metal of the hull is already insulated and ready to be rendered, the compartments and engine room are prepared and the bulkheads and decks have been insulated.

At the same time, refitting operations are under way. Since 2019, 7 ordinary and extra-ordinary maintenance works have been carried out on yachts between 18 and 50 metres, and 3 are currently under way. The work is always of the highest quality standards, thanks to the installation of the latest generation technology systems guaranteeing excellent reliability. Refitting is a sector in which Gruppo Antonini has a lot of experience, having worked over time with important clients, including the famous schooling ship, the Amerigo Vespucci for the Italian Navy.

Thanks to its strategic hub in the Gulf of La Spezia, with 33 thousand square metres of open space and two warehouses for a total of 4,200 square metres, the shipyard is a point of reference for a number of companies in the industry, who choose them to subcontract construction. In addition, with over 250 workers the company has an extensive set of knowledge and technical skills in engineering, design, construction, assembly and maintenance, allowing them to stand out in a short time in the super yacht sector with a wide and diverse range of solutions.

In addition to refitting and building vessels for third parties, Antonini Navi is specialised in building fully customised super yachts. Among the innovative proposals of the shipyard is the UP40 superyacht range, a 40 meter platform from which three different types of super yachts can be built, all of them designed by Fulvio De Simoni: CrossoverIsland and Explorer.




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