04 April 2024

Azimut reveals their design for Grande 44M: the new flagship

04 April 2024
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Azimut Grande 44M demonstrates how true innovation can anticipate the real desires of yacht owners.

Azimut Grande 44M demonstrates how true innovation can anticipate the real desires of yacht owners.

4 minutes of reading

The design of the new Azimut flagship was revealed during the Palm Beach International Boat Show – the Grande 44M brings together technological innovation, visionary design and environmental sustainability. This model astounds with something that currently does not exist, a superyacht with reduced CO2 emissions, which, over four decks, expresses a fluid yet decisive design that envelopes and sculpts large spaces, creating a singular and unexpected lifestyle on board.

The Grande 44M – notes Marco Valle, chief executive officer for the Azimut Benetti Group – is proof that true innovation anticipates the real desires of yacht owners. This is confirmed through the five units that have already been sold even before the official presentation of the project, all purchased by Azimut clients who understand the shipyard’s values and who want to grow alongside us.”

The concept, created in partnership with Alberto Mancini, is the keystone to stylistic innovation; choosing to move the wheelhouse to the fourth deck, makes space on the upper deck, which can then become an owner’s deck, with owner’s suite and a private terrace. To the stern is the mezzanine deck with its Sea View Terrace (this marked the success of the Grande Trideck), made even more unique with its see-through pool, keeping continuous contact with the water, creating a play of light that makes the beach club even more magical.

In addition, the new layout allowed architecture studio, m²atelier (working for the first time with Azimut) to create an interior design that balances aesthetics and functionality, so as to put the owner at its heart: the spaces, with their refined yet discreet details, are versatile, and can be configured based on needs and desires. The area on the forward upper deck can be turned into a media room or a dining verandah that can accommodate up to 12 people, and its nearly 2-metre high windows per side offer a direct view to the external saloon which, thanks to its firepit, becomes an intimate space to enjoy the gorgeous panorama.


Grande 44M is a masterpiece, not only of design and lifestyle but also of naval architecture, a new milestone on the path to going green mapped out by Azimut. The vessel is also the new flagship of the Low Emission Yachts, models that reduce emissions by between 20% and 30% compared to more traditional naval architecture for vessels of the same size. Its innovative, extremely advanced, naval platform is based on a Dual Mode hull, introducing Hull Vane foil technology and a Mild Hybrid Plus Zero Emission Hotel Mode system.

The Dual Mode hull, developed by Azimut’s R&D department together with the P.L. Ausonio Naval Architecture studio, represents a fusion between two types of traditional hulls: the forward section is taken from a fast displacement hull, while midships towards the stern has a chine that is typical of planing hulls. The result is a hull that guarantees a considerable reduction in consumption and emissions at any speed.

Introduced for the first time on an Azimut, the foil technology was created through a partnership of Hull Vane, a Dutch company that is world leader in the design of advanced hydrodynamic solutions, and the R&D department of the Azimut|Benetti Group, who have many years of experience in designing and building carbon fibre products. The carbon fibre Hull Vane to the stern, can reduce the aft wake and push the vessel forward, guaranteeing further reduction in overall resistance as well as less pitching, shaking and rolling during navigation.

Lastly, the Zero Emission Hotel Mode system, allows the vessel to remain in roads for 4 to 8 hours with no generator, and, on the Grande 44M it is at its maximum efficiency in combination with the Mild Hybrid Plus system, a new level in electrification built by the Azimut|Benetti R&D department together with Asea Nautica. The Mild Hybrid Plus Zero Emission Hotel Mode system is currently the only one that allows the vessel to sail with generators turned off while using all the utilities, even producing a surplus of energy that can charge the battery pack.

The Grande 44M will be presented to the public during the Cannes Yachting Festival 2026.


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