04 February 2025

Baglietto announce the sale of the eleventh DOM 133

04 February 2025
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DOM133 by Baglietto is a 40.60-metre long superyacht designed by Stefano Vafiadis with modern lines inspired by automotive design

Baglietto announce the sale of the eleventh DOM 133

DOM133 by Baglietto is a 40.60-metre long superyacht designed by Stefano Vafiadis with modern lines inspired by automotive design

2 minutes of reading

The DOM133 is the first commission for Baglietto in 2025, bring the number of units sold to 11 for this popular range designed by Stefano Vafiadis and sold by the La Spezia-based shipyard. An unprecedented success for this vessel, whose strong point is its high level of customisation. This superyacht, 40.60 metres long, will be heavily modified in its layout, which will require the shipyard to re-engineer the structure to satisfy the needs of the owner. Delivery of the eleventh unit of the DOM133 is scheduled for 2027.

Beginning the year with a sale – notes Fabio Ermetto, CCO for Baglietto – is very satisfying. This also happened last year, again with a DOM133, and we hope this year will be equally as lucky. I always like to highlight how this range, and this model in particular, allows the yard to adapt it to the needs of the client and transform that into reality, even if it is a vessel belonging to a range. I believe there are very few shipyards who have this skill and flexibility, made possible by our organisational structure. We are a boutique that works with each client on their project, whether it be a full custom design or part of a range, with the same willingness to act upon the client’s desires.”


The new DOM 133 by Baglietto presents modern yet charming lines inspired by the automotive industry, as well as extraordinary and singular spaces for a vessel of its size. The modern layout includes the “features” required in today’s market, including a beach club on two levels with water level pool with lifting bottom to increase the already ample size of the cockpit on the main deck, allowing it to be enjoyed even when moored.

Among the other characteristics  are the panoramic windows which open onto the terrace and its reduced draught for easy navigation in in the shallow waters of the Bahamas and Caribbean. Choosing aluminium as construction material provides not only increased comfort and quality, but also more flexibility for modifications allowing for a higher level of customisation. It has impressive performance, thanks to its two Caterpillar C32 engines, allowing the vessel to reach a considerable maximum speed of 17 knots. Hybrid propulsion is optional.




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