13 December 2022

Baptism for “Ace”, the biggest superyacht in Poland

13 December 2022
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The first unit of the new C144S line, “Ace”, by Conrad was officially baptised in Danzig. It is the largest ship built by the shipyard, and the biggest in Poland

The first unit of the new C144S line, “Ace”, by Conrad was officially baptised in Danzig. It is the largest ship built by the shipyard, and the biggest in Poland

2 minutes of reading

After nearly two years of assembly, planning and hard work, the Polish shipyard, Conrad Shipyard presented to the public the new flagship of the C144S line, “Ace”. The superyacht’s official début took place a few days ago in the historical centre of Danzig, in Poland, inevitably attracting the attention of passers-by.

With its 44.27 metres in length, “Ace” is the biggest motoryacht ever built by the shipyard, and in all of Poland. According to Conrad Shipyard, the superyacht can reach speeds of 13 knots and has an autonomy of around 4,000 nautical miles at a speed of 10 knots.


Commissioned by a Swiss client in January 2020, the first hull of the C144S line was fully custom designed thanks to the skills of its builders.

The exterior of the yacht was designed by the esteemed Raymond Langton studio in Great Britain, in partnership with the Dutch Diana Yacht Design, who worked on the naval architecture and engineering. The Milanese M2 Atelier worked on the interior giving it an all-Italian design.

Satisfying even the highest quality and performance needs, Ace can comfortably host up to 10 passengers in five cabins, including the spacious master suite. The remaining accommodation is for the nine crew members.

Another characteristic of note is the external deck composed of an intelligent combination of various multi-functional zones. This includes a beach club, 4 lounge areas, a cinema room, and 2 open-air dining areas. To finish, on the upper deck is a luxurious infinity pool.


With this superyacht, Conrad Shipyard marks the birth of the new C144S line, with its intriguing and super-modern profile.

Currently, a second yacht of the same line is under construction in Conrad’s Danzig shipyard. It is expected to be completed in 2023. Hull number 3 is still available for sale through Denison Yachting. The asking price is around 25 million euros and construction can begin immediately.


Length: 44.27 m

Width: 8.90 m

Draught: 2.45 m

Displacement: 472 T

Gross Tonnage: 494 GT

Maximum speed: 13 knots

Cruising Speed: 10 knots

Autonomy at cruising speed: 4,000 miles

Engines: 2X Cat C18 Acert – 500KW

Fuel tanks: 51300 L


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