02 February 2024

“Big Fisher” by Royal Huisman is ready for launch: the biggest fishing yacht in the world

02 February 2024
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“Big Fisher” by Royal Huisman is going to an owner who loves fishing

“Big Fisher” by Royal Huisman is going to an owner who loves fishing

2 minutes of reading

The “Big Fisher”, a 52 metre fishing yacht by Royal Huisman, has left the Vollenhove shipyard in Holland for Amsterdam ,where it will be launched. Built for an expert yacht owner who loves fishing, with its size and 6 decks, it is the biggest fishing super yacht in the world, as well as the most luxurious and the most customised.


Impressive and powerful, the hull and superstructure are built using Alustar aluminium; Project 406 by Royal Huisman is a singular yacht for a number of reasons. A symbol of personal expression and freedom, it is the result of work done by Vripack Yacht Design, who curated the interior and exterior design, as well as the naval architecture. The designers opted for a distinguished profile: with a longer bow and high, steep gunwales (to keep the waves away and maintain stability) extending all the way to the aft cockpit.

The “tower” created by the 6 decks is functional for specialised fishing, with bespoke visual angles to view the water’s surface, as well as a panoramic platform for passengers to enjoy while watching the work carried out on the main deck.


Studied specifically to provide a better high seas fishing experience for the owner, for Project 406, Royal Huisman did not neglect their high standards in living spaces, comfort and elegance – this is a true super yacht. Meticulously designed, it was engineered and completed by a team of over 350 professionals and co-manufacturers, who contributed to creating a completely original concept, made to measure.

This was yet another challenge for the North European shipyard, which has over sixty years’ experience in building with aluminium, the perfect material for maximum performance and efficiency while also being compact, light and highly resistant. A vision which has also streamlined living space on board, positioning the more complex operations systems in smaller sections of the hull. Their positive mindset has always made Royal Huisman stand out: they nurtured their client’s desires, pushing designers, engineers and technicians to find new solutions, expanding their skills.




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